
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo held a meeting with the National Police Chief General Idham Aziz. One of the agendas discussed the development of the investigation into the case of pouring hard water against KPK investigator Novel Baswedan.

To Jokowi, Idham reported all developments from the case that occurred two years ago. However, what was being discussed between Jokowi and Idham was not revealed by Karo Penmas Div of National Police Public Relations Brigadier General Argo Yuwono.

"Of course, the Chief of Police reported to the President the extent of the team that was formed to reveal the investigation and investigation related to the case. The principle is that serious investigators work and investigators work hard to try to find who the perpetrators are," said Argo in Jakarta, Tuesday, 10 December.

Argo explained that the investigator in this case had carried out a number of disclosure steps, namely the inductive and deductive methods. Then, dozens of witnesses have also been questioned. Also, CCTV camera footage that was sent to Australia to sharpen image quality. Then, several chemical shops around the location have also been inspected.

Argo's statement was the same as other Police officials when asked about the progress of the Novel case. In fact, this statement was also conveyed by Idham during the inaugural meeting as Chief of Police with Commission III on Wednesday, November 21.

At the age of meeting Jokowi and Idham, Jokowi ordered the results of the investigation of the case to be announced as soon as possible because they were at the conclusion stage. Argo, who was asked about when it would be announced, only asked for prayers to make it easier.

"Later we pray together. Hopefully the investigators will have time to convey the investigation. Investigators are very serious in handling this case," said Argo.

"Of course the investigators are still working hard. Hopefully what is our hope together, like the President of all people, is related to this case," he continued.

Yesterday, after the Jokowi and Idham meeting, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Muhammad Iqbal, said a technical team had been formed to investigate this case. In the near future, the results of the technical team's work will soon be disclosed. He said that this team had significant clues to reveal the case of sprinkling hard water to Novel.

"It's a matter of time, and it won't be long. We are very optimistic to solve this case soon. It won't be long," said Iqbal.

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