JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) did not attend the highlight of the 2019 World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) at the KPK Support Building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. The hopes of the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Agus Rahardjo were dashed.
Instead of attending the event, Jokowi prefers to commemorate the day of anti-corruption by visiting the 57 State Vocational High School (SMK), Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta and witnessing a stage entitled 'Achievement Without Corruption'.
As a substitute, Jokowi sent Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to the event. In fact, prior to the pressure for President Jokowi to issue a KPK Perppu to cancel the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019, Jokowi was always present at the anti-corruption day commemoration.
In fact, in 2018, Jokowi was present and visited a number of Hakordia exhibition booths held at the Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta. At that time, he was also greeted by five KPK leaders.
The KPK had previously sent invitations. In fact, in a press conference before the peak of the event, KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo really hoped that the former Governor of DKI Jakarta could attend.
"We are waiting for his (news) if I am not mistaken the answer will be in the near future. What is clear is that we really hope for his presence," said Agus in a press conference ahead of the Hakordia event at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, 6 December.
Apart from Agus, the Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Saut Situmorang, also hoped that Jokowi could attend the event. In fact, Saut said, he wanted to embrace Jokowi before he and other leaders ended their tenure as the leader of the anti-corruption institution for the 2015-2019 period.
"It was Pak Jokowi who was present. So we can shake hands for the last time. Greetings to the five of us. If necessary, hug the president," said Saut in Jakarta, Sunday, December 8.

KPK Describes Its Achievements to the Vice President
Even though Jokowi was not present, the 2019 Hakordia event at the KPK Support Building remained lively with the presence of a number of ministers and other regional officials. KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo also briefly explained the performance of the institution he leads, including the matter of saving state funds carried out during the 2015-2019 period. He said the KPK had succeeded in saving the country from losses of Rp.63.9 trillion.
"This was obtained from prevention, Rp. 34.7 trillion, from supervision of Rp. 29 trillion and from gratuities, Rp. 159.3 billion," said KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo at the KPK Support Building, Monday, December 9.
This figure, said Agus, was based on the calculation results of the KPK Research and Development division. In addition, this figure is also obtained from the optimization of local revenue from hotel, restaurant taxes, tax receivables, social and social facilities and asset disputes.
On that occasion, Agus assessed that licensing management often becomes an area for corruption. Moreover, he admitted that he often received complaints from businessmen. So that to solve these problems requires coordination and supervision that is stronger than online single submission.
In addition to talking about the achievements of saving state money and complaints from entrepreneurs, representing the five leaders for the 2015-2019 period, Agus also apologized to the ministers and officials who attended if there was an institutional attitude that was deemed less favorable.
This apology was conveyed by Agus considering that in a matter of weeks, they will end their term of office and will be replaced by new leaders on 21 December. "It must be not personal in nature. There must be a duty that requires us to behave like that," he said.
Furthermore, Agus hopes that corruption eradication work will be continued by the next leadership. So that the Corruption Perceptions Index (IPK) of Indonesia is increasing. "Hopefully we can realize the aspiration to create a prosperous country in not too long," he concluded.
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