
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) received 58 reports of receiving gratuities related to the moments of Ramadan and Idulfitri 1441 Hijriah. According to Acting Spokesperson for the KPK in the field of prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding, the total value of gratuities reported reached Rp. 62.8 million.

Of the 58 reports, said Ipi, among them were 10 ministries and institutions that reported their 28 gratuities. Then, there are 3 provincial governments and 9 district and city governments reporting 22 gratification reports, and 5 State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) reporting 8 gratification reports.

"The reported gratuities still revolve around food parcels, glassware, vouchers and money, with the lowest reported value of IDR 50,000 to IDR 10 million," said Ipi in a written statement, Monday, June 1.

The purpose of giving the gratuity, he said, was intended as additional money in welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr holiday allowances (THR), to thanks for using certain products.

The most widely used reporting medium is the individual Online Gratification (GOL) application with a total of 36 reports.

"Furthermore, the GOL of the gratuity management unit (UPG) amounted to 14 reports and electronic mail both submitted by individuals and through UPG as many as 8 reports," he said.

Ipi reminded civil servants and state officials who received gratuities to immediately report to the KPK. This gratuity is related to position and contrary to obligations or duties, especially those related to the moments of the month of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

Moreover, based on the prevailing laws and regulations, the receipt of gratuities must be reported no later than 30 working days after the receipt is made.

Based on the Corruption Eradication Commission Law Number 2 of 2019 concerning Gratuity Reporting, the reporter can submit his report by filling out a report form which at least contains information on the identity of the recipient in the form of a Population Identification Number (NIK), name, complete address and telephone number.

In addition, they must also inform the giver of gratification, the position of the recipient of the gratification, the place and time of receiving the gratification, a description of the type of gratification received, the value of the gratification received, the chronology of the event of receiving the gratification, and supporting evidence, documents or data related to the gratification report.

This form, said Ipi, can be submitted in written form, electronic mail, or through an application that can be downloaded from Playstore and Appstore by filling it out according to the applicable mechanism.

"Officials who report the receipt of gratuities are free from criminal threats as Article 12B of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning corruption, namely in the form of life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years and a fine of at least Rp200 million and a maximum of Rp1 billion, "he concluded.

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