
JAKARTA - The victim of abuse by the son of the bakery boss in Cakung, Dwi Ayu Darmawati (DAD) has suffered a unfortunate fate. Having been abused by the boss's son, he was also deceived by a lawyer who fled even though he had sold a motorbike to finance the attorney.

This was revealed in a hearing (RDP) of Commission III of the DPR with the East Jakarta Police Chief and the victim, Dwi Ayu Darmawati at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

Initially, Dwi told about the chronology of the persecution by the boss of the bread shop's son, George Sugama Halim (GSH). Because he didn't want to deliver food, he was thrown a cake loyang until his head was bleeding.

After the report was rejected by the Rawamangun Police and the Cakung Police, the complaint was finally received by the East Jakarta Police. The report was only processed after it went viral, starting from October 17 to December 16.

"There was also a story that was given, sent by a lawyer from the perpetrator's side. But at first I didn't know that it was from the perpetrator. He admitted that he was from LBH, an envoy from the Regional Police," said Dwi in the House of Representatives Commission III room, Tuesday, December 17.

Dwi also did not know which legal institution the lawyer came from. It was later discovered that the lawyer was the envoy of the perpetrator's parents, Linda, who was none other than the victim's boss.

"I don't know, he said that. At first I didn't know. Then at the meeting at the Resort Police, I wanted BRlaP. There he told me. He was told by my boss. I don't know his lawyer," he said.

Because the lawyer was the mother of the perpetrator, Dwi finally replaced his lawyer. However, this second lawyer actually deceived Dwi and his family. In fact, Dwi has sold his motorbike in order to finance the attorney who will help him.

"Then finally I changed my mother to a lawyer. There was the second lawyer. The problem is, if I ask about how it will go, he always answers, is being processed, he is being processed. So every time he has information, always goes home and asks for money, and asks my mother to sell motorbikes," said Dwi.

"The only motorbike. Abis sold the motorbike, I was wondering, it couldn't be contacted anymore, ghosting (disappeared, ed)," he continued.

Finally, added Dwi, his party was contacted by a person named John and given legal assistance. Until finally this case can be handled by the police.

"Finally, I was contacted by Mr. Jhon. I was also given assistance by Bang Jhon working at the Hi-Fi company. I was also lectured at the best university in Jakarta until I graduated. Until yesterday I was arrested," said Dwi.

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