
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Prabowo plans to develop the Directorate of Child Protection (PPA) and the Trafficking Crime (PPO) down to the regional police and police levels. The goal is to provide protection to rural areas.

"I don't want the struggle from the Directorate of PPA and PPO to only reach Headquarters, but how did this develop at the regional police level and reach the porous level," said Sigit in his remarks at The Tribrata, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

However, it is undeniable that the plan to develop the Directorate of PPA and PPO will have obstacles or obstacles. Therefore, harmonization with KemenPAN-RB and related institutions must continue to be established.

That way, later the PPA and PPO Directorates can become a place to accommodate and follow up on all acts of violence against women and children.

"At the district level, we can then balance it with the birth of the directorate of women and children at least at the police level. If it has not reached the sub-district or village level," he said.

"This is important and of course our hope for us to be in line with fighting for what is currently being pushed by Komnas Perempuan, KPAI regarding how we provide protection for women and children," continued Sigit.

Referring to the data, Sigit continued, acts of violence against women are quite high. In the last five years, the National Police have handled 105,475 cases.

Although it did not specify, it was said that cases of domestic violence or domestic violence were one of the highest cases. "The highest is domestic violence, then sexual abuse, physical and psychological violence and sexual intercourse and rape," said Sigit.

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