
JAKARTA - Placement of Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (CPMI) with a government to government (G to G) scheme to South Korea still uses a reference in Law No. 18 of 2017. There is no new regulation governing this placement scheme.

"As we mentioned, there was a release (CPMI) and previously there were still document verification activities, document processing and so on. This proves that there has been no new regulation from the Ministry of P2MI for the placement of G to G in South Korea," said Director of Non-Government Placement of the Asian and African Regions, Mocharom Ashadi at a press conference at the KP2MI Office, South Jakarta, Monday, December 16.

"So there is no new policy for G to G Korea, still using policies from the old regulations. Policies from BP2MI are old," continued Mocharom.

Director of Government Placement for the Asian and African Regions, Seriulina Tarigan stressed, currently KP2MI is in intensive communication with the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul and the leadership of the Korean HRD in Jakarta to discuss further the PMI placement regulations.

In fact, his party has scheduled a meeting with the South Korean Embassy in Indonesia in the near future.

"And the day after tomorrow BP2MI (KP2MI) has been scheduled for a meeting with the Korean Embassy in Indonesia. This is to formulate policies, prepare a study on the placement of G to G Korea which is more profitable for migrant workers and will conduct a verdict against the draft extension of the MoU G to G Korea between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of Korea," explained Seriulina.

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