JAKARTA - Wakil Ketua Komisi XI DPR RI dari Fraksi PKB, Hanif Dhakiri menyebut kenaikan PPN 12 persen sudah digariskan dalam undang-undang (UU). Menurutnya, tidak perlu ada persoalan yang harus diperdebatkan.
"Seluruh inisiasi dari undang-undang tuh sebenarnya dialogable. Itu merupakan hasil dialog antara pemerintah dengan DPR, kadang kala karena alasan tertentu, misalnya, walaupun pemerintah yang berkepentingan tapi rebutannya bisa dilakukan begini. Sudah kalau gitu, ini yang munculin DPR saja ya, karena for any reasons gitu. Nah, ada kala juga, oh kalau gitu pemerintah saja, jadi artinya, menurut saya jangan mencari sumber awalnya itu dari mana, itu yang pertama. Karena prosesnya secara politik bisa begitu," ujar Hanif dalam acara diskusi 'PKB Insight Hub' di Cikini, Jakarta, Sabtu, 14 Desember.
Kedua, Hanif menekankan, bahwa kenaikan PPN 12 persen yang akan diundangkan merupakan keputusan politik bersama.
"Kita bawa keputusan politik bersama ini konteksnya berubah ketika dia akan diterapkan, nah itu perkara yang lain. Dulu ketika undang-undang HPP ini muncul kan, karena ada konteks COVID yang memang secara ekonomi sangat menyiksa bangsa kita, semua kelompok masyarakat terdampak, negara juga terdapat secara masif dari sisi keuangan. Oleh karenanya, inisiatif dari undang-undang HPP ini juga ditunjukkan untuk memastikan agar ke depan ini kita punya bantalan, untuk memastikan agar penerimaan pajak menjadi lebih baik, distribusi ekonomi dan kekayaan menjadi lebih baik, perlindungan konsumennya juga tetap ada," bebernya.
Hanif mengakui situasi ekonomi nasional belum terlalu baik. Meskipun kondisi dunia sudah membaik namun akan ada tantangan terlebih terpilihnya Donald Trump sebagai Presiden AS. "Nah sehingga ketika kemudian PPN ini mau diterapkan, naik dari 12 persen sebagaimana ketentuan dalam undang-undang 1 Januari 2025, nah tentu saja banyak keberatan dari masyarakat," katanya.
Sebagai anggota DPR dan pengurus DPP PKB, Hanif memastikan, akan banyak mendengarkan aspirasi dari publik. "Kenaikan PPN memang sudah digariskan di dalam undang-undang, tapi yang perlu dicatatkan bersama adalah di Republik ini semua hal itu bisa diselesaikan kalau ada political will," katanya.
"Kalau ada political will itu barang nggak ada bisa ada, barang yang kurang baik bisa diperbaiki, bahkan bisa dibolak balik selama ada political will-nya. Nah catatannya adalah ketika ada political will dari semua aktor-aktor politik, bank, pemerintahan maupun di DPR. Jadi menurut saya ini tidak terlalu isu," pungkasnya.
Kenaikan tarif PPN sebesar 12 persen akan mulai berlaku paling lambat pada 1 Januari 2025, seperti diatur dalam Pasal 7 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2021 tentang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan (UU HPP). Sementara, tarif sebesar 11 persen telah berlaku sejak 1 April 2022.
Presiden Prabowo Subianto telah mengumumkan bahwa tarif PPN 12 persen akan berlaku selektif hanya bagi barang mewah. Keputusan ini diambil setelah pengumuman Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani untuk menaikkan tarif PPN menuai kritik meluas dari masyarakat, pengusaha, dan para ekonom.
Sri Mulyani lantas memastikan tarif PPN 12 persen tak akan berlaku bagi barang-barang yang menjadi kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. Kejelasan lebih lanjut tentang PPN 12 persen akan diumumkan oleh pemerintah pada Senin, 16 Desember 2024.
Adapun dari sisi perbankan, kredit masih mengalami pertumbuhan dua digit sebesar 10,92 persen secara tahunan atau year-on-year (yoy) per Oktober 2024. Dian mencatat bahwa ketika PPN naik dari 10 persen ke 11 persen pada 2022, kredit perbankan masih bisa tumbuh 10,38 persen yoy dengan NPL yang berada di level 2,19 persen.
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission XI of the DPR RI from the PKB faction, Hanif Dhakiri, said that the 12 percent increase in VAT had been outlined in the law (UU). According to him, there is no need for any debate.
"All initiatives from the law are actually dialogable. It is the result of dialogue between the government and the DPR, sometimes for certain reasons, for example, even though the government has an interest but the struggle can be done like this. That's right, this is what appears in the DPR, because for any reason. Well, there are times, oh if that's the case, the government, so it means, I don't think where the initial source came from, that's the first. Because the process can be politically," said Hanif at the 'PKB Insight Hub' discussion event at Cikini, Jakarta, Saturday, December 14th.
Second, Hanif emphasized that the 12 percent increase in VAT to be promulgated was a joint political decision.
"We bring this joint political decision, the context changes when it will be implemented, so that's another case. In the past, when the HPP law emerged, right, because there was a COVID context that was economically very painful for our nation, all groups of people were affected, the state was also found massively from the financial side. Therefore, the initiative of this HPP law is also shown to ensure that in the future we have a cushion, to ensure that tax revenue is better, the distribution of the economy and wealth will be better, consumer protection will also remain," he explained.
Hanif admits that the national economic situation is not too good. Even though world conditions have improved, there will be challenges, especially when Donald Trump is elected as US President. "Well, when this VAT is about to be implemented, it goes up from 12 percent as stipulated in Law 1 January 2025, of course, there are many objections from the public," he said.
As a member of the DPR and administrator of the PKB DPP, Hanif ensured that he would listen a lot to the aspirations of the public. "The increase in VAT has indeed been outlined in the law, but what needs to be noted together is that in this Republic all of these things can be resolved if there is a political will," he said.
"If there is a political will, there is no good good, goods can be repaired, and can even be repelled as long as there is a political will. Now the note is that when there is political will from all political actors, banks, governments and in the DPR. So I think this is not too much of an issue," he concluded.
The increase in VAT rates by 12 percent will take effect no later than January 1, 2025, as stipulated in Article 7 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP). Meanwhile, tariffs of 11 percent have been in effect since April 1, 2022. President Prabowo Subianto has announced that the 12 percent VAT rate will be selective only for luxury goods. This decision was taken after the announcement of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani to increase VAT rates drew widespread criticism from the public, entrepreneurs, and economists. Sri Mulyani then ensured that the 12 percent VAT rate would not apply to goods that became the basic needs of the community. Further clarity on VAT 12 percent will be announced by the government on Monday, December 16, 2024. Meanwhile, from the banking side, credit still experienced double-digit growth of 10.92 percent on an annual basis or year-on-year (yoy) as of October 2024. Dian noted that when VAT rose from 10 percent to 11 percent in 2022, bank credit could still grow 10.38 percent yoy with NPL at the level of 2.19 percent.
The increase in VAT rates by 12 percent will take effect no later than January 1, 2025, as stipulated in Article 7 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP). Meanwhile, tariffs of 11 percent have been in effect since April 1, 2022. President Prabowo Subianto has announced that the 12 percent VAT rate will be selective only for luxury goods. This decision was taken after the announcement of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani to increase VAT rates drew widespread criticism from the public, entrepreneurs, and economists. Sri Mulyani then ensured that the 12 percent VAT rate would not apply to goods that became the basic needs of the community. Further clarity on VAT 12 percent will be announced by the government on Monday, December 16, 2024. Meanwhile, from the banking side, credit still experienced double-digit growth of 10.92 percent on an annual basis or year-on-year (yoy) as of October 2024. Dian noted that when VAT rose from 10 percent to 11 percent in 2022, bank credit could still grow 10.38 percent yoy with NPL at the level of 2.19 percent.
The increase in VAT rates by 12 percent will take effect no later than January 1, 2025, as regulated in Article 7 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP). Meanwhile, tariffs of 11 percent have been in effect since April 1, 2022.
President Prabowo Subianto has announced that the 12 percent VAT rate will be selective only for luxury goods. This decision was taken after the announcement of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani to increase VAT rates drew widespread criticism from the public, businessmen, and economists.
Sri Mulyani then ensured that the 12 percent VAT rate would not apply to goods that became the basic needs of the community. Further clarity on VAT 12 percent will be announced by the government on Monday, December 16, 2024.
As for the banking side, credit still experienced double-digit growth of 10.92 percent on an annual basis or year-on-year (yoy) as of October 2024. Dian noted that when VAT rose from 10 percent to 11 percent in 2022, bank credit could still grow 10.38 percent yoy with NPL at the level of 2.19 percent.
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