
YOGYAKARTA - The term Cabinet Zaken can still be foreign to your ears. Therefore, see the information on the Zaken Cabinet which will be explained below.

According to the KBBI, the cabinet is a government body or council consisting of ministers. The cabinet can also be interpreted as a job office specifically for the president and also the prime minister. So far, presidents in Indonesia have contributed to the formation of a cabinet of ministers who during the reign will be responsible for the president.

Launching the journal 'Government System during the 1999-1959 Liberal Democracy Period' by Paizon Hakiki, Zaken Cabinet or also known as Zaken Cabinet is a cabinet whose members become experts in their respective fields. The Cabinet also has other names in the form of a Working Cabinet that can be interpreted as a cabinet that is not based on support from parliament.

This is due to state conditions in a state of emergency. Therefore, the Zaken Cabinet was formed based on expertise. This zaken Cabinet or Labor Cabinet officially appeared on April 9, 1957.

Furthermore, according to the journal 'Collaboration of Zaken Cabinet and Coalition Cabinet in the Establishment of an Effective Cabinet' by Reja Pahlevi and Darul Huda Mustaqim, Zaken Cabinet or Cabinet Work is a cabinet formed by Ir Djuanda as prime minister who served in 1957. This is what makes Zaken's Cabinet also known as the Djuanda Cabinet.

As explained earlier, the Zaken Cabinet was officially formed by Ir Djuanda in 1957 who filled the position as prime minister. Quoted from the book 'History: SMA Class XII' by M Habib Mustopo, it was explained that President Soekarno, who at that time served as head of government in Indonesia, officially appointed Ir Djuanda to form a new cabinet.

On April 9, 1957, the Djuanda Cabinet was officially formed in the midst of the Indonesian situation which was not doing well. At that time, the Djuanda Cabinet carried out a tough task because it had to resolve the upheaval that occurred in various parts of Indonesia. In addition, the Djuanda Cabinet must also try to seize West Irian and also deal with the state of the Indonesian economy which is in bad condition.

Furthermore, Cabinet Djuanda decided to draw up a program called Pancakarya which contained 5 different articles. The articles in question include:

After undergoing various efforts and hard work in dealing with the crisis that occurred in Indonesia, on July 10, 1959, the Djuanda Cabinet officially ended. In the same momentum, President Soekarno issued the Decree of the President on July 5, 1959, which became the forerunner of the period of guided democracy.

Still quoted from the same source, Kabinet Zaken was formed when a formation was needed to fill the Extra Parliamentary Emergency Cabinet. This is because the previous cabinet failed to be formed repeatedly, so there is an option to create a cabinet that will be filled by experts.

Furthermore, in Hanta Yuda AR's book 'Hanta's Half Heart Presidentialism', it is explained that the cabinet zaken is referred to as a professional cabinet as well as a limited coalition cabinet. This is because its function is able to form a cabinet in a quantity of cabinet members who come from elements of political parties by not exceeding the professional element.

In addition, the function of Zaken's Cabinet also emphasizes the competence and professionalism of its members rather than the political accommodation they have. Meanwhile, reported from the journal 'Indonesian Foreign Political Policy Period Djuanda 1957-1959' by Febta Pratama Aman, Zaken Cabinet or also referred to as the Working Cabinet does not involve political elements.

In this cabinet, the minister is also not promoted by political parties. Even so, it is possible that the minister will come from a political party. However, they were not involved in the movement of political parties.

That's a review of Zaken Cabinet. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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