
JAKARTA - The government will create an information technology-based system-based application regarding the development of the corona or COVID-19 case. This technology will later be used to find out and predict who will come into contact with a corona positive patient. That way, the spread of the virus can be traced properly

Wiku Adisasmito, a member of the Expert Team for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, said that the technology would be more effective than conventional tracing or interviews. However, the technology is not ready to be launched because it is still in the process of being developed and is expected to be completed in the near future.

"The connection with areas that have started to become infected is that we know which places have a very high risk of spreading," Wiku said in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 18.

The technology is not only used in big cities or referral hospitals. Later, this system will be connected to the lower level or to puskesmas in rural areas or so on.

So, the spread of COVID-19 will be easily monitored. This includes people who are included in the monitoring category or patients who are discharged because they are declared cured.

"Later it will be related to health facilities, both Puskesmas and hospitals so that we can all ensure that the distribution process can be limited," said Wiku.

Contacted separately, the Expert Council of the Indonesian Public Health Expert Association (IAKMI) Hermawan Saputra said this plan was a good step for the government to overcome the spread of COVID-19.

However, in cases that are considered to be epidemics nationally, even internationally, it would be better if you maximize PCR ( Polymerase Chain Reaction ) services or laboratories to examine all people who have symptoms of COVID-19. By using this method, it will be assessed that they will be able to categorize or record the extent of the spread of COVID-19 in certain areas.

"Strengthening PCR services for saliva swap collection. From there there will be data on the distribution pattern. That method can also reduce public anxiety," said Hermawan.

Meanwhile, today, the covid19.go.id portal was launched to the public. This site is expected to be the official reference for one-stop information about the corona virus and how to control it.

This site aims to ensure that the public has access to official and accurate information regarding the response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia.

The site was developed by the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Team for the Response to COVID-19. The team consists of various elements, namely the government, UN agencies (UNICEF, WHO, etc.), international development partners, civil society organizations and the business world.

"We realize that the public needs access to accurate, fast and reliable information. That is why the www.covid19.go.id site was created so that it can be a one-door official source of information," said Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, Doni Monardo , in Jakarta.

The Head of BNPB emphasized that efforts to deal with COVID-19 can only be done if all work together and are disciplined to comply with health protocols from the government. "Among them are maintaining a safe distance by working, praying, studying from home and always doing basic hygiene practices, especially washing hands with soap," he said.

The covid19.go.id site contains 3 important steps for the community to take, namely how to reduce the risk of virus transmission, find the right information and what to do when sick.

In addition, this page contains statistical data regarding the number of positive cases of COVID-19 which is updated in real-time and is expected to become a reference for various parties, especially media colleagues in their reporting.

Capture the screen on the covid.go.id site

There is also a hoax buster channel that can be used as a reference to determine whether information about COVID-19 is true news or a hoax . As well as a channel for educational materials and questions and answers.

"We are committed to providing accurate and responsible information to the public. Correct knowledge and behavior are important elements to fight the spread of this disease," said Doni Monardo.

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