
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono ordered all village heads and sub-district heads in Jakarta to memorize locations that were prohibited from being used as places for installing election campaign props. This was conveyed by Heru when gathering village heads and sub-district heads at the DKI Jakarta City Hall ahead of the 2024 election campaign period. "Yes, it's called a democratic party, let it go, you want to put up a banner, you want to put up billboards, it's crowded. Where can't you go? (Locations) that are not allowed (installed by the APK), you memorize the place. More are allowed. There are a few locations," said Heru, Wednesday, November 22. Based on Article 71 of KPU Regulation Number 15 of 2023 concerning General Election Campaigns, there is a ban on the installation of campaign attributes in a number of locations. These locations include places of worship, hospitals or health services, educational places, government buildings, certain government-owned facilities, and other facilities that can disrupt public order. Then, Heru also asked the Head of the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP to coordinate with the local mayor regarding the prosecution of campaign attributes in each city area in Jakarta. "Mr. Satpol PP has been arranged, right, the places? Go ahead. Please consult the mayor first if you do something," said Heru.
Furthermore, Heru asked all DKI Jakarta ASN to maintain their neutrality during the election, including in uploading documentation or commenting on social media. "Ahead of the election, be careful we are all ASN, including me. I have never ordered various kinds. Only one, ASN rules are neutral. There are rules," he said.

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