
The Prosecutor's Office has scheduled the examination of witnesses to investigate allegations of corruption in the drilling well project for agricultural irrigation in East Lombok Regency for the 2017 fiscal year.

Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Isa Ansyori said investigators would summon officials from the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) who knew about the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) project that was suspected of being corrupted.

"Including those who know about the area, such as the Bappeda and the Agriculture Service, it also comes in," Isa said by telephone, Wednesday, November 15, as reported by Antara.

So far, the East Lombok Kejari has examined the Head of the East Lombok Agriculture Service and the project supervisory consultant for questioning regarding the project that cost Rp1.13 billion on Tuesday, November 14.

"Yes, basically everyone who knows and is involved in the project is included in the agenda," he said.

The status of this case rose to the investigation stage on November 10, 2023, based on the results of the case title which saw the findings at the investigation stage. The results of the investigation found a criminal act that led to a criminal act of corruption.

The drilling well project, which is suspected of having problems with its construction work, is in Tejong Daya Hamlet, Kengga Village, Suela District, East Lombok Regency. The construction was budgeted for in 2017.

The development budget of IDR 1.13 billion, he said, came from the Directorate of Development of Certain Regions at the PDTT Ministry of Trade.

From ministry data, the implementer of this project is a company based in Mataram City, CV SAMAS. The company emerged as the winner of the auction with an offering value of IDR 1.13 billion from a ceiling of IDR 1.24 billion.

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