
TANJUNGPINANG - Head of the Riau Islands Provincial Health Office (Kepri), Mochammad Bisri, stated that there was one case of monkeypox hitting adults in Batam City. The Health Office together with the Batam Class I Port Health Office (KKP) have followed up on this patient. "A search has been carried out on his family, then samples have been taken to prevent them from spreading to the people around him," said Bisri in Tanjungpinang, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 14. Bisri suspects that the monkeypox case occurred due to a trip to an area at high risk of transmitting monkeypox, such as Jakarta and its surroundings. According to him, there are several typical symptoms of monkeypox, ranging from acute fever to three days, rashes on the face, enlargement of the seed sap gland until a lump contains water or pus all over the body. "If there are such symptoms, they must be taken to a doctor immediately and a laboratory examination is carried out," said Bisri. Therefore, Bisri appealed to the public to be more aware of monkeypox, because this disease can be transmitted through humans and even animals. "For example, by direct contact," said Bisri. Bisri also asked residents to maintain health to avoid monkeypox, such as diligently maintaining hand hygiene and wearing masks in public places. Residents are also advised to immediately check their own health to the doctor if they find symptoms such as chickenpox in the family. His party also increased awareness of the spread of the disease, although currently in Riau Islands there has only been one case of monkeypox.
"We have asked health facilities if we find symptoms of monkeypox, the patient will immediately be dealt with and samples taken for examination in the lab. If the lab results are not monkeypox, then the outside of the disease will be handled," said Bisri.

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