Wamenparekraf Optimistic Village Tourism School Increases Human Resources Capacity
Wamenparekraf Angela Tanoesoedibjo ANTARA/HO-Kemenparekraf


Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo assessed that the Village Tourism School (Sepada) was able to increase the capacity of tourism and creative economy human resources (HR) in the village launched by Dr Soetomo University Surabaya.

In my opinion, the challenge of the tourist village is capacity building and one of the keys is human resources. Now, with access to education, this capacity building will also have many case studies. Surely fellow tourism village actors are more open-minded, so they will apply it to the development of their respective tourist villages," said the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.

According to him, strengthening human resource capacity is important in providing services for tourists to create quality and sustainable tourism.

Therefore, through this village tourism school, it is hoped that it can increase the capacity of tourism human resources so that it is in line with the increase in the number of tourist villages in Indonesia which reached 4,700 villages.

Yang pastinya sukses dan saya yakin akan sukses karena baru diluncur saja ada 213 desa yang mendaftar. Saya yakin akan amanah atau bahkan mungkin antret. Semoga ini dapat menginspirasi universitas lainnya, sehingga bisa ada juga di daerah lain agar bisa menjangka seluruh masyarakat desa, ujarnya pula.

Sepada, katadia, merupakan program pertama ada di Indonesia ini bisa menginspirasi universitas lainnya, sehingga dapat mencapai lebih luas masyarakat desa.

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