
The panel of judges at the Medan District Court (PN), North Sumatra (North Sumatra) sentenced the defendant Dodhy Adreanto Sidabalok alias Dodi in the case of being a cannabis drug courier weighing 135 kilograms.

"In addition, the defendant was fined Rp. 2 billion, subsidiary to six months in prison," said Chief Judge Sayed Tarmizi at the Medan District Court, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.

From the facts of the trial, the panel of judges believed that the defendant violated Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The essence of the article, said Sayed, is to commit or participate in committing a criminal act, namely without rights or against the law offering to sell, sell, buy, accept, become an intermediary in buying and selling, exchanging or delivering narcotics class I of marijuana weighing 135 kilograms.

"The aggravating thing is that the defendant does not support the government's program in eradicating drugs, while the mitigating thing is regret and promises not to do it again," said Sayed.

After reading the verdict, the panel of judges gave seven days of thinking to the defendant's legal adviser, the defendant and the public prosecutor.

The verdict of the panel of judges was lighter than the demands of the North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Maria Fr Tarigan, who demanded death.

In the indictment, it was revealed that Putra alias Putra and Sabar Hasibuan alias Sabar (separate files) brought dried marijuana to Medan with a salary of Rp. 250 thousand per kilogram from Ipul.

Then Ipul transferred Rp2 million to look for a car. Then Ipul ordered the defendant to meet with Perdi in the Kampung Ureng area, Aceh. After meeting, Perdi loaded the sack containing the marijuana.

"Furthermore, at Tanjung Pura, North Sumatra, Ipul contacted and sent the recipient number, namely Dodi Andreanto Sidabalok alias Dodi (separate files), after which they communicated with each other," said Maria.

In short, officers from the North Sumatra Police's Narcotics Directorate received information about the circulation of marijuana-type narcotics from Aceh to Medan. After that the defendant and Sabar were arrested by police officers in the Stabat area, North Sumatra.

Furthermore, the defendant and Sabar Hasibuan were taken to the car for interrogation. The defendant admitted that he would give this dried marijuana to Dodi in Medan.

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