
The Lampung Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) stated that allegations of child abuse that went viral on social media (medsos) did not occur at the Bandarlampung City Islamic boarding school.

"The news of a child being abused in Bandarlampung and viral in the media, especially in social media recently did not occur in Islamic boarding schools," said Head of the Lampung Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Puji Raharjo, in Bandarlampung, Sunday, quoted by Antara.

He said after a viral video of the alleged child being abused at a boarding school in Bandarlampung, the Lampung Ministry of Religion immediately dispatched a team to the scene to dig deeper information.

"This was done because the incident in the video carried the name of the pesantren," he said.

He revealed that after receiving information and clarity, it turned out that the viral video did not occur at the pesantren but at a Child Welfare Institution (LKSA) or orphanage.

"Institutions suspected of being places of persecution do not have an operational permit for Islamic boarding schools so they cannot be referred to as Islamic boarding schools," he said.

He said that based on data from the Ministry of Religion of Bandarlampung City, the agency had applied for an operational permit as a pesantren.

"But then it did not extend the operational permit and currently there are no more messaging activities in it," he said.

According to Puji, this is important to know so that people understand the problem and do not distort the values of Islamic boarding schools as places for religious education for the next generation.

However, he continued, related to the violence perpetrated on children, the Lampung Ministry of Religion is very concerned that this happened in an institution that should take care of children so that they could be prosperous.

"Under any pretext, violence is not justified by anyone, including LKSA caregivers or the orphanage," he said.

According to him, violence against children can lead to physical and psychological problems in the future. Physically, it will be seen from signs of former violence and psychologically, children who are victims of violence can experience mental problems such as stress, trauma, depression, and anxiety easily.

"So, as a child social welfare institution, exemplary and moral education must be prioritized and stay away from violent behavior," he said.

It is known that it has gone viral on social media for a child at the Putri Azizah Orphanage 'Isykarima on Jalan Martadinata Kedaung Sukamaju, Teluk Betung Timur District, Bandarlampung, allegedly being abused by caregivers and eight girls who live in that place.

Currently, the problem is being handled by a lawyer to be resolved through the realm of law.

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