
JAKARTA - The government officially gives recognition to the education system in Islamic boarding schools. One of the consequences is that pesantren alumni receive their own academic degrees. Member of the Masyayikh Council KH. Abdul Ghofur Maimoen revealed that the academic title for high pesantren alumni is at the S1 level and gets the same treatment as other titles in the same strata.

The Masyayikh Assembly is the holding institution for the quality of Islamic boarding schools which was formed based on Law No. 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools and Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 1554 of 2021 concerning the Masyayikh Assembly and stipulates 9 members of the Islamic boarding school element in Indonesia.

Regarding the legality and title for pesantren alumni, it is one of the main discussions in the Socialization of Law No. 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools at the Salafiyayyah Parappe Islamic Boarding School, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, Thursday 2 November. In the event that took the theme "Profil Santri Indonesia, Council of Masyayikh, and the Draft of the Boarding School Education Quality Guarantee System", it is stated that the pesantren diploma should not be rejected under the pretext of juridicals, unless the person concerned does fail in the selection.

Gus Ghofur added that pesantren education is typical, such as mu is and early education whose status is non-formal education. However, the state has given the same recognition as formal education. With this recognition, pesantren graduates are expected not to be rejected when continuing their education to a higher level or when looking for work. "In order for there to be no more inequality and injustice in the national education system, pesantren diplomas must be recognized and equivalent to other educational diplomas," said the caretaker of the Al-Anwar Islamic Boarding School, Sarang, Rembang, Central Java.

Regarding the title for pesantren graduates, the government has set the title "Religious Work" or S. Ag for graduates of Ma'had Aly or high pesantren. This degree of religious scholars related to the discipline developed by Ma'had Aly is required in one religious scientific group. Even the government has determined that one Ma'had Aly can only develop one study program, among Ushul Fiqih, Hadith, or others.

This S.Ag title can be predicted by pesantren alumni when they have completed Ma'had Aly level whose level is S1. Ma'had Aly teaches the field of study to be almost the same as UIN or IAIN, which is about religious sciences, but with different systems, references, and standards. For this reason Ma'had Aly will not transform into STAIN, IAIN, or UIN. Ma'had Aly will continue to grow and grow into a typical college of pesantren with his respective scientific specifications.

Director of Islamic Boarding School Modern Ikatan Musalla Indonesia Muttahidah (IMMIM), Makassar, South Sulawesi, Nyai Hj. Amrah Kasim added, in the past many pesantren graduates were rejected when trying to continue formal education or enter institutions such as the Police Academy (Akpol) or the Military Academy (Akmil).

"If it is still ongoing, then it is a violation of the law," said the lecturer at UIN Alauddin Makassar. As a member of the Masyayikh Assembly, Amrah Kasim emphasized that pesantren has a responsibility to the public by maintaining the quality of their education. Therefore, pesantren together with the Masyayikh Council will soon realize the quality standards of Islamic boarding school education which are a reference for the quality of its alumni.

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