
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the State Capital Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force (IKN) revealed that until October 2023, the IKN Nusantara construction project had absorbed 12,123 construction workers.

"As of October, the IKN development project absorbed 12,123 construction workers," said the Head of the Task Force (Kasatgas) for the Implementation of IKN Infrastructure Development, Danis Sumadilaga, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, October 27.

Danis added that the composition of the workers was that as many as 2,765 construction workers came from Kalimantan Island and as many as 9,345 construction workers came from outside Kalimantan Island.

The total workforce for the IKN construction is mostly concentrated in the Cipta Karya project with a total construction workforce of 5,276 people or 46.3 percent.

Then the Bina Marga project with a total construction workforce of 5,040 people or 42.9 percent. The water resources project is 656 construction workers or 5.7 percent, and housing projects are 337 construction workers or 5.0 percent.

For information, based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, Indonesia has set a target to enter the top five strongest economies in the world and has a high-income country per capita income by 2045.

The target is built on four main pillars of Vision Indonesia 2045, namely human development and mastery of science and technology (IPTEK), sustainable economic development, equitable development, as well as strengthening national resilience and governance.

The transfer of the State Capital was carried out as one of the strategies to realize Indonesia's 2045 economic target, namely more inclusive and equitable economic growth through the acceleration of development in Eastern Indonesia.

IKN has a central function and becomes a symbol of a country to show the identity of the nation and state. Therefore, the relocation and development of the new capital city needs to be based on the development of mature urban development principles as well as the long-term needs and vision of a nation.

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