
BADUNG - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has again called for strengthening the eradication of illicit narcotics trafficking in the holding of the 45th Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agents, Asia and the Pacific (HONLAP) forum.

"In tackling drug problems, international cooperation is needed. One of the international works of CNB and UNODC is the heads of law enforcers in Asia Pacific. The message that we still have to prevent, together with other countries. No country alone can fight narcotics," said Head of BNN Komjen Petrus Reinhard Golose in Kuta, Badung, Bali, Tuesday, October 24.

Golose said that BNN's efforts as the leading institution for the Prevention and Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Dark Circulation (P4GN) had been in the HONLAP forum for a long time, however, the meeting, which was held at the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Bali, from October 24 to 28, 2023, will discuss a number of issues regarding the emergence of new types of narcotics (Nes Psychoactive Substances) that have developed in various parts of the world.

He gave an example of fentanyl cases that broke out in the United States in 2022 which caused more than 110 thousand people to die. Especially with the development of the world after the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical changes in various countries, the map of the spread and illicit trafficking of narcotics is increasingly wide open.

"The world is now open, geopoliticals are changing so that routes and so on may exist. So we have to work together. The entrance is for Indonesia on average by sea. But others are marijuana products, domestic products," said Golose.

The former Bali Police Chief stated that in Indonesia itself, President Joko Widodo had ordered a war against narcotics in extraordinary ways because narcotics crimes had already entered extra-ordinary crimes.

He revealed that the most confiscated until September 2023 by the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency was methamphetamine with a total of 5.5 million tons. Therefore, there are 10 provinces that are priority eradication, including Bali.

"This is also an indication of how many people enter Indonesia and how our country should be protected. This is prioritized in 10 provinces in Indonesia. Bali is one of the priorities for us to do how to eliminate narcotics problems," said Golose.

HONLAP itself is a subsidiary body of the Commission on Narcotics Drugs (CND) which in the United Nations system is under the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

HONLAP was formed based on the ECOSOC 1845 (LVI) Resolution on May 15, 1974. The main goal of establishing HONLAP is to promote law enforcement cooperation in preventing and eradicating illicit narcotics trafficking in Asia and the Pacific region.

After COVID-19, HONLAP was held in-person in Bangkok in October 2022 and this year Indonesia had the opportunity to host after successfully holding the 33rd HONLAP in October 2009.

This activity is held periodically to provide a platform for member countries to exchange knowledge and experience in efforts to prevent and control narcotics abuse.

HONLAP was attended by 104 participants from 27 countries who are law enforcers who are actively involved in narcotics prevention and control efforts.

The agenda that will be discussed at the 45th HONLAP in Kuta, Bali includes the development of regional and subregional cooperation in overcoming and tackling drug problems globally, the results of the implementation of recommendations set out at the 44th HONLAP which took place in Bangkok last year, follow-up at the national, regional, and global levels regarding the commitments listed in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and the preparation of the 2024 Mid Term Review.

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