
Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, hopes that Santri will continue to maintain national harmony and unity, especially in the political year ahead of the 2024 General Election.

The commemoration of Santri Day 2023 was held at the Hero Monument, Surabaya, East Java on Sunday 22 October. The ceremony was chaired directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Puan came accompanied by Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Ahmad Basarah, member of Commission V DPR RI Sri Rahayu, member of Commission VI DPR RI Mufti Anam and member of Commission X DPR RI Puti Guntur Soekarno. His arrival was welcomed by the Chairman of the Nahdatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf alias Gus Yahya and the General Chairperson of GP Anshor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas or Gus Yaqut.

"The importance of the role of students in maintaining national unity is increasingly understood by various parties. Moreover, students have an effective role in supporting political stability and national unity," said Puan.

Puan mentioned the political year ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Puan said differences of opinion and views often arise in various levels of society which can trigger tensions and conflicts if they are not managed properly.

"This is the time when the role of students is important. Santri has been trained to have a deep understanding of religion, ethics, and values of honesty and wisdom. All of these values are needed to avoid friction and division in society," he said.

According to Puan, students have the potential to become national leaders in the future. With the strong education of character and nationality received by the students, this will spearhead the strength in maintaining togetherness.

"The students are candidates for Indonesian leaders, who can be pioneers of interfaith dialogue, creating a harmonious atmosphere in the midst of diversity in this country that will strengthen unity and integrity," said Puan.

Puan also appreciated the santri pledge which was read out during the ceremony procession where the students were determined to continue to realize and maintain national unity.

"In the past, on October 22, which became a student day, a jihad resolution emerged from KH Hasyim Asy'ari so that Muslims were obliged to fight for independence. I see this spirit has grown in the hearts and sanubari of the students who then made the pledge of santri," he explained.

"The struggle for Santri Day is one of the things we need to remember and always remember that in building the nation together, their struggle is indeed one of the important things for the establishment of the Indonesian nation," added Puan.

The resolution of jihad, explained Puan, is in line with the theme this year, namely "Jihad Santri Jayakan Negeri". This theme has a message of the enthusiasm and dedication of the students as heroes of education.

In today's era, said Puan, jihad can maintain national unity and integrity. Jihad is considered no longer about bloodshed, but how Muslims play an active role in national development in order to realize prosperity.

Santri is also expected to be a role model in maintaining national unity and encouraging positive changes in Indonesia. Puan believes that students can play a role in maintaining peace, especially in the political year as it is today.

"I believe that in maintaining this national unity, the role of santri can be further strengthened," said Bung Karno's grandson.

"Hopefully the coming political year will bring peace, progress, and justice to all Indonesian people. Let's hold a democratic party with the spirit of peace," continued Puan.

After the Santri Day Commemoration ceremony, Puan seemed to visit and greet the students who were standing along the road. He also served many requests for photos together and selfies. Puan also greeted the students who were stuck outside the fence of the Tugu Pahlawan complex.

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