
JAKARTA - Traditional leaders and community leaders in Sunu Village, South Central Timor Regency (TTS), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) perform traditional rituals in front of the statue of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) by putting some important hopes on Indonesian democracy. "Our hope is that Mr. Jokowi must maintain unity and integrity, especially this democratic party. We ask that you as a political coach can maintain the implementation of democracy to run fairly and to be honest in order to achieve the regeneration of the leadership of the Indonesian nation in the future," said the Indigenous Leader of Sunu Village, Nithanel Benu in Sunu Village, TTS Regency, Saturday, quoting Antara. Indigenous rituals begin with natoni or traditional speech while surrounding the statue of the President of the Republic of Indonesia which is built on the top of Bukit Sunu. Next, traditional elders sit in front of the statue while performing rituals in traditional language to the universe. Nuthanel said the traditional ritual was carried out in front of Jokowi's statue because they could not face directly with the president at the State Palace. "We ritualize and pray to the whole nature in order to support our aspirations towards a democratic party," he said.

The customary application made by the traditional Sunu Village leader in South Amanatun District focuses on efforts to maintain democracy. They hope that Jokowi can maintain the diversity of languages and customs spread across Indonesia.

Selain itu Jokowi juga diharapkan menjadi pemimpin yang berkualitas untuk menjaga kesatuan dan persatuan."Jangan mengutamakan suku, keluarga, agama, kepentingan pribadi lain, tapi kita harus menjunjung tinggi kepentingan umum, kebijakan umum, demi menjaga kelestarian negara ini," ucapnya.Lebih lanjut ia berharap pergantian pemimpin negara dalam pesta demokrasi nanti dapat berjiwa nasionalis dan berkebangsaan sehingga persatuan dan kesatuan dapat terjaga dan terjamin."Kita di bawah naungan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Kami ritual supaya ada restu Tuhan melalui doa kecil kami," katanya menandaskan.Sementara itu Kepala Desa Sunu Yakob Kase berbangga dengan kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo saat ini.Siapa pun yang terpilih menjadi kepala negara menggantikan Presiden Joko Widodo, Yakob berharap dapat melanjutkan perjuangan untuk pembangunan desa."Siapa pun ke depan, saya mohon politik ini bukan politik keluarga," katanya berharap.

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