
JAKARTA - LPP alias APO (49), a drug recidivist, is again pursuing illegal business by being a courier for methamphetamine and ecstasy. However, he was again arrested by a member of the Tambora Police Narcotics Buser on Jalan Krendang Barat I, Krendang Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta.

The suspect LPP alias APO was arrested after delivering illegal goods using a motorbike to AFAT (DPO). APO sold a clip of methamphetamine for IDR 1.1 million.

Whereas previously, APO had become a convection worker. However, due to inadequate income, APO was again tempted to distribute methamphetamine in the Tambora area.

"The suspect APO is a narcotics recidivist who was arrested in 2012 for selling ecstasy, at that time he was sentenced to 12 years," said Tambora Police Chief, Kompol Putra Pratama when contacted by VOI, Friday, October 20.

Since languishing in prison cells starting in 2012, the new APO has been released in 2022. He had worked as a convection employee worker. But he fell back into the narcotics circle.

"There were 98 packages of methamphetamine-type plastic clips with a gross weight of 96.77 grams and six ecstasy pills in the form of red capsules that were confiscated from the suspect APO," he said.

The police also secured the suspect's automatic motorbike. In the action, the methamphetamine and ecstasy pills were stored in a black plastic bag stored in the trunk or under the motorcycle seat.

From his confession, the methamphetamine and ecstasy pills were obtained by the suspect APO from a dealer with the initials IGA (DPO). IGA sent narcotics through a courier with the initials EDI (DPO) twice.

In the first transaction, APO received a supply of 60 packages of methamphetamine at Kalideres Bus Terminal on Saturday, September 30. Then the APO again received a supply of 56 packages of methamphetamine and 5 ecstasy pills from the Kalideres area, West Jakarta on Sunday, October 9.

"The perpetrator admitted that he had circulated or sold methamphetamine and ecstasy pills for about four months," he said.

APO is desperate to become a dealer because he has been addicted to methamphetamine for a long time. APO is also a drug addict.

"The motive is to be able to use free methamphetamine. Some of the results of distributing methamphetamine and ecstasy pills are used by APO for daily living expenses," he said.

As a result of his actions, suspect APO was charged with criminal acts of narcotics of the type of methamphetamine and Ecstasy, as stipulated in article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary to article 112 paragraph (2) UURI number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a maximum imprisonment of 20 years.

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