
JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information Technology reminded the potential dangers of misuse of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating negative content at Simultaneous 2024 General Elections (Pemilu).

"Moreover, in the election, people can fight because of artificial intelligence. What I gave an example earlier, try your voice, your face drawn, slandered, fighting or not? Even though the results of artificial intelligence," said Budi Arie, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 19.

Budi Arie realizes that artificial intelligence has great potential in influencing the election process. In this context, AI-induced misinformation is considered to trigger conflict in society.

He conveyed that the good and bad potential of AI technology is in line with the rapid development of technology. Therefore, it is important to understand the potential risks and impacts of AI use in various aspects of life, including the election.

"You can fight with friends because of this sophistication of artificial intelligence. That's why we maintain this digital space," he said.

According to Budi Arie, regulations related to the use of artificial intelligence need to be made, but this requires an in-depth study to understand the impact and maintain the ethics of its use.

He emphasized that the government is currently in the process of studying to develop regulations related to artificial intelligence. He emphasized the importance of not making rash regulations without an in-depth understanding. The main focus in this study is maintaining the ethics of using AI.

"So we are studying this again, we don't know. Don't make restitutional regulations, right. We should look at it. We are studying it really deeply, what is the impact of this AI. But what is certain is that I said about Ethictadi," he said.

Regarding the spread of hoaxes on social media during the election, Minister Budi Arie appealed to the public to stay away from hoaxes, slander, and hate speech. He emphasized the importance of competing honestly and fairly in the election process.

His party is committed to overcoming the spread of hoaxes, slander, and hate speech through a technological, cultural, and democratic approach.

This is a step to maintain the integrity of the election process and ensure community participation in a healthy, honest, fair, and peaceful democratic process.

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