
BANDA ACEH - Banda Aceh District Attorney (Kejari) is investigating a case of alleged corruption (Tipikor) in the procurement of books about Acehnese customs and furniture at the Aceh Customary Council (MAA) with a budget ceiling of around Rp. 5.6 billion.

"We are currently investigating allegations of corruption in the procurement of traditional and furniture books in MAA for the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years," said Acting Head of Banda Aceh Mukhzan as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 17.

Mukhzan conveyed that the investigation was carried out based on the Order Number: Prin-1692/L.1.10/Fd.1/09/2023 dated 12 September 2023.

According to him, the investigation is part of the follow-up to the results of the investigation carried out by the Prosecutor's Office's team of investigating prosecutors.

"Where, based on the results of the investigation, it has been found that there has been a criminal act or an unlawful act that leads to state financial losses in book procurement and furniture in MAA," he said.

To collect evidence to make light of the findings of the alleged corruption crime, he said, his party had examined a number of witnesses as many as 20 people.

"At least the team of investigating prosecutors has examined approximately 20 people for questioning as witnesses," he said.

A number of witnesses who have been examined start from financial management officials at MAA, partners, and shops where purchases (books and furniture) are purchased.

The Banda Aceh Kejari investigating team is still completing the investigation by collecting evidence as stipulated in Article 184 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, so that later it will shed light on the alleged corruption.

"The collection of this evidence is in order to immediately determine the parties who can be held criminally responsible," said Mukhzan.

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