
BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java, has restored the tomb of charismatic warrior cleric KH Raden Ma'mun Nawawi at the Al Baqiyatus Islamic Boarding School complex Sholihat Kampung Cibogo, Sindangmulya Village, Cibarusah District. Acting Bekasi Regent Dani Ramdan in Cikarang, Monday, said the restoration was an effort to propose KH Raden Ma'mun Nawawi as a national hero by completing the funeral infrastructure. In addition, he said, respect for KH Raden's dedication Ma'mun Nawawi in the spread of Islam and the struggle for the nation during his lifetime. "This revitalization program is hopefully completed by the end of 2023. Stipulation of tombs includes building halls and classrooms to increase the capacity of pesantren, so that the need for proposing national heroes is supported, pesantren is also more adequate," he said. He hopes that this restoration will increase comfort, especially visitors who make pilgrimages, so that efforts to make the tomb of KH Raden Ma'mun Nawawi as a religious tourist destination for local residents to outside the region, runs optimally. "Now many young people want to know who KH Raden Ma'mun Nawawi is, then people who already know his struggle, his 'charomah' also came for pilgrimages. That's why our facilities may also be more likely in the future to become religious tourism destinations as we can see in the graves of guardians and aulians throughout the country," he said. Head of the Culture, Youth, and Culture Service Bekasi Regency Sports Iman Nugraha said the revitalization of the KH Raden Ma'mun Nawawi grave by completing the additional two-story building, consisting of halls and eight classrooms, with 90 days of work. "This is a total area of approximately 380 square meters which we revitalize or build, hopefully later in December it can function and can be used by Islamic boarding schools. As per the Regent said, this is also a form of respect for Kai Ma'mun Nawawi, who hopefully soon becomes a national hero, "he said. After being completed, he said, the classroom on the upper floor can be used for teaching and learning activities for students, while the hall is downstairs for certain events or meetings. His party is communicating with the board of the Islamic boarding school so that they can dismantle the old hall to be used as a vehicle parking lot to facilitate access to visitors or pilgrims. "We are still waiting, there is information that the hall will be demolished for a long time to park, whether later using the APBD or from the hut, there has been no further discussion. So the plan is to move to the hall we built later," he said.

His party also plans to record the location as one of the cultural heritages in Bekasi Regency, as part of an effort to make the tomb of KH Raden Ma'mun Nawawi a religious tourist destination. "Hopefully after this complex is revitalized it can accommodate up to 200 visitors," he said.

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