
JAKARTA - Director of Indonesian Political Parameters (PPI), Adi Prayitno assessed that Pro Jokowi Volunteers (Projo) intend to maintain good relations with the PDI-P even though they officially support Prabowo Subianto as a candidate for president in 2024.

According to him, this can be seen from the declaration of support made at Prabowo's residence, not at the location of the 6th National Working Meeting in Projo at the Indonesia Arena, GBK. Projo is considered not to want to be too vulgar considering their position identified with President Joko Widodo.

"Even though the public knows that Projo is very synonymous with Jokowi, it seems that they do not want to be too vulgar in providing support to Prabowo because it can heat up the political situation," said Adi, Sunday, October 15.

Moreover, both Jokowi and his eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, were both present at the Projo National Working Meeting location despite different arrival times. Therefore, Projo wants to avoid accusations that support for Prabowo is part of Jokowi's direction.

"It seems that because there are Jokowi and Gibran, Projo avoids all claims on the settings and directions of the president. On the other hand, Projo is also aware that Jokowi must also maintain good relations with PDIP and Ganjar Pranowo," concluded Adi Prayitno.

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