
JAKARTA - The winning Organ for Ganjar Pranowo's presidential reading, Ganjar Center, released the findings of the data "big" analysis that revealed that Yenny Wahid was the ideal vice presidential candidate for Ganjar Pranowo.

This is an analysis using "artificial intelligence" (AI) to determine the tendency to certain issues by exploring "big" data.

In his presentation, the Kornas Ganjar Center Poempida Hidayatulloh revealed that using "big" data as an analysis in reading political maps is interesting and part of the answer to the current challenges of digitalization.

"The study of the 'big' of 'analityc' data presented is an analysis of several data sources that have been collected since 2014," said Poempida while attending a discussion entitled "Big Data Analytic Vice President Ideally Ganjar" at the CM Building, Matraman I, East Jakarta, Saturday (14/10) as quoted by Antara.

The data, he continued, includes social media data source, onlinenews data source, data surveys, latest elects, and reference experts' opinions.

"In the analysis of this data 'big' there are several parameters measured. These parameters are taken based on variables that are considered political in relation to Ganjar Pranowo's candidacy as a candidate for president in 2024," he said.

The parameters used include coalition party support, Megawati support, NU support, women's gender support, international support, no political burden, cultural distribution representation, representation of geolocation distribution, representation of the distribution of professions, and representation of ideological distribution.

"The findings from the 'analityc big' data conducted by Ganjar Center show that Yenny Wahid's name got the highest score, namely 8.9 as the ideal vice presidential figure for Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election," he said.

Poempida said Yenny Wahid's superiority compared to the names of other vice presidents who also appeared in many reports in the media, was supported by at least four important variables.

"The four variables are gender-based support/female, cultural, Nahdliyin support, cultural, and international," said Poempida.

Meanwhile, another name that appeared was Mahfud MD with a score of 8 and Siandiaga Uno with the same score as 8.1. Mahfud MD based on "analytic big" the data looks strong on ideological variables and political burdens. Meanwhile, Sandiaga Uno looks strong in international, professional and ideological variables.

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