
JAKARTA - The defendant in the fraud, embezzlement and forgery case related to the trading business license (SIUP), Shirly Prima Gunawan was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel).

This verdict is lighter than the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) who charged the defendant with a sentence of 2 years and 6 months in prison.

Responding to this, the defendant's attorney, Rahhaditya Putra Perdana, said that basically his party really appreciates what the judge has decided.

"We as a team of attorneys appreciate and respect the decision today, namely the one who sentenced him to 1 year probation," said Rhaditya Putra Perdana, at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, October 11.

On that occasion, Rahhadtya also revealed the facts of the trial that it was not someone who reported his client to the realm of law named Rizky Ayu Jessica as has been circulating in the community.

Not only that, continued Rahhaditya, his client in court was also not proven to have controlled 193 luxury bags as stated in the prosecutor's indictment.

"The bag is actually controlled by parties who are not included in this legal incident," he explained.

"Our client has also proven to have never harmed the victim. Even our client who became a victim because he had already given an advance of Rp 2.5 billion," concluded Rahhaditya.

This case originated from the existence of a branded bag business guarantee of Rp. 18 billion through a debt statement which was ultimately not realized.

The defendant Shirly Prima Gunawan gave a bilyet giro or blank giro or rejected by the Bank authorities.

As a result of the defendant's actions, the victim suffered a loss of 17 branded bags with the Dior, Hermes, Chanel and others as charged by the public prosecutor (JPU) in the Criminal Case Number 136 / Pid.B / 2023 / PN. JKT CELL.

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