JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep stated that the party he leads has red, white, and black colors.
So that it is different from the color of the party that Sufmi Dasco means will join the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM).
"I don't know the color of the party that Mr. Dasco meant," he said in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, October 10.
According to him, PSI has yet to decide which presidential candidate will support it.
Regarding the meeting with the Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto, Kaesang emphasized that it was a gathering as a small party to the big party.
"This is part of friendship," he said.
His party is still waiting for the aspirations of the regional PSI DPW and DPD throughout Indonesia. In addition, his party also asked for aspirations from the community.
"We have to be careful because this chooses leaders in the next five years who pay attention to the millennial generation," he said.
Regarding the name of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming, he will be Prabowo's companion in the 2024 General Election, so there is an assumption that PSI support has been directed to the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), Kaesang explained that he brought the decision of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).
"Mas Gibran is an individual, so it's different. It's a different political party too," he said.
Previously, the Daily Chairperson of the Gerindra DPP, Sufmi Dasco, said that the party in red and white is said to be joining the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM).
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