
The Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution gave a holiday gift to visit the Istiqlal Mosque and Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) in Jakarta for children who can answer questions about the pillars of faith.

"Call the pillars of faith!," said Bobby to the children when carrying out Friday's Safari at the Umar Bin Khattab Mosque, Jalan Kalpataru, Medan, North Sumatra, reported by ANTARA, Friday, October 8.

It seems that many children show their hands up want to answer this second question, after Habibi's first question that was answered correctly by Habibi, was a grade IV elementary school student in Medan Helvetia and received a bicycle prize.

The mayor asked an elected child to answer by introducing himself to the Umar Mosque congregation Bin Khattab.

"My name is Zafran Khairi, a school at SD 53 Class IV," he said.

"What are the ideals?" asked Bobby. "So pilot," replied Khairi instantly.

Hearing that answer, Bobby gave Khairi a gift choice if he succeeded in properly mentioning six pillars of faith.

"If you can answer, you can choose a bicycle gift or take a plane to Jakarta, visit the Istiqlal Mosque and take a walk to Dufan," he said.

Khairi then nodded her head. The first to fifth pillars of faith can be said smoothly. However, the child who came with his grandmother to Safari on Friday stalled in the sixth pillar of faith.

The mayor also gave Khairi the opportunity to ask friends and chairman of the Umar Mosque Prosperity Agency (BKM) Bin Khattab Ustad H Rajuddin Sagala.

Finally, after repeating several times, Khairi managed to mention the six pillars of faith, namely believing in Allah, the prophet and the deceased, the angel, the book, the day of the apocalypse, and qada and qadar.

The mayor again asked Khairi. "Do you want a bicycle or take a plane to Jakarta, to the Istiqlal Mosque, to Dufan and can you bring three people?".

Khairi looked confused in answering the mayor's question. "Ask Grandma first. Come there," Bobby suggested.

The boy quickly approached the grandmother who was sitting with the recitation mothers. The two seemed to be whispering for a few seconds, and

Khairi is back in the future saying she chose to take a plane to Jakarta.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asked this question after handing over the Medan City Government assistance of Rp. 50 million for mosque renovations, Rp. 10 million for social assistance, a set of table tennis and book racks, certificates for establishing cooperatives, carts and mills, in addition to personal assistance to BKM Umar Bin Khattab.

The mayor also noted the choice of the lucky boy. "Khairi and his three companions will go to Jakarta during the school holidays," Bobby explained.

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