
JAKARTA - The Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (KSAL) Admiral Muhammad Ali said as many as 70 percent of the main weapons system (alutsista) of the Indonesian Navy was made in the country.

KSAL said the purchase of defense equipment from abroad was accompanied by cooperation in technology transfer between the foreign defense industry and the domestic defense industry.

"We prioritize domestic production defense equipment. As many as 70 percent of our defense equipment is indeed made domestically, made in local ports. Even if it is made abroad, it must be cooperated, there is a ToT, technology transfer," said TNI Admiral Muhammad Ali, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 6.

Regarding the direction of President Joko Widodo during the 78th Anniversary Parade Ceremony and Defile of the TNI's 78th Anniversary at the National Monument, Thursday (5/10), regarding defense equipment, KSAL conveyed that the defense equipment had to adjust to budget readiness.

"If the economy is good, we can buy or even produce new defense equipment. However, we have gradually started to hold new defense equipment, both made domestically and abroad. Gradually, slowly. The important thing is to keep going. Every year there must be something new," said Admiral Ali.

President Joko Widodo in his mandate during the ceremony to ask for the purchase of defense equipment must be a form of investment in the defense sector.

The modernization of defense equipment, said the President, must be an important part of the development of domestic defense industry investment so that technology transfers must be encouraged, must be encouraged to increase human resources (HR), must prioritize domestic products.

"Regarding this, I ask that the budget is owned, because it is difficult to collect, it is difficult to get it, and is money from the people so that as much as possible it must be spent and replayed for the people," said Jokowi.

In the Indonesian Navy, several warships were built domestically, including KRI Bung Karno-369, namely the first corvette made in Indonesia, and warships as well as hospital aid ships (BRS) KRI dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo-991, then the submarines were the result of the collaboration between PT PAL and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) South Korea KRI Alugoro-405.

There are several fast patrol boats, including KRI Dorang-874, KRI Bawal-875, KRI Posepa-870, KRI Escolar-871, KRI Karotang-872, KRI Mata Bongsang-873, KRI Tuna-876, and KRI Pollux-935.

In the list of fast missile ships (KCR), there are KRI Golok-688, KRI Eksap-625, KRI Panah-626, KRI Sampari-628, KRI Tombak-629, KRI Halasan-630, and KRI Kerambit-627.

There are also tank transport ships, including KRI Teluk Youtefa-522, KRI Teluk Kendari-518, KRI Teluk Kupang-519, KRI Teluk Calang-524, KRI Teluk Wondama-527, and KRI Teluk Weda-526.

In the category of oil-liquid aid ships (BCM), there are KRI Bontang-907 and KRI Tarakan-905.

The Indonesian Navy's tugboats are also predominantly domestically made, including TD Gunung Ranai, TD Umsini, and TD Irau.

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