
Malang - Malang Police are following up on public reports regarding the threat of murder of a child by a mother in Bululawang District, Malang Regency, East Java. Head of Public Relations of the Malang Police, Iptu Ahmad Taufik, said that initially the official Instagram account of the Malang Police @polresmalang_polisiadem received a message from someone. "We received a message from Instagram, there was information on the threat of killing a child," said Taufik, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 3. The message received by the Malang Police was sent by MAB,yah of the child, at around 05.30 WIB. MAB was then in Mojokerto City, East Java, to work. According to Taufik, MAB reported the threat of murder of his wife with the initials RR. After receiving the report, Malang Police personnel immediately acted. Malang Police Public Relations, as the manager of the Instagram account who received the information, then forwarded it to the local Bululawang Police and Bhabinkamtibmas. "Furthermore, the police immediately moved to find a house based on information on a complaint on Instagram," added Taufik.

The personnel who arrived at RR's house in Wandanpuro Village, Bululawang District, then received information that MAB and his wife were experiencing domestic problems, so RR threatened to kill his son. "His wife contacted her husband, wanted to kill her child, and would commit suicide because they would be divorced," explained Taufik.RR, who lives with his mother and child on a daily basis, is currently under public supervision and local Bhabinkamtibmas to avoid unwanted things. In addition, RR was also provided with counseling services by Malang Police personnel. "We assigned the Bululawang Policewomen to carry out a mine and counseling. We also entrusted it to the head of the local environment to carry out surveillance and must be carried out continuously," said Taufik.

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