
The forest and land fires (karhutla) of Gunung Lawu, Ngawi Regency, East Java, continue to spread to 1,100 hectares. In fact, the forest and land fires extend to Magetan Regency to Karangayar, Central Java.

"So the Central Java government must also be aware, because the Gunung Lawu forest and land fires spread to Magetan towards Central Java," said Head of the East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Gatot Soebroto, Tuesday, October 3.

Gatot said that based on the latest data from the East Java BPBD, the total area affected by the Gunung Lawu forest and land fires reached 1,100 hectares. For this reason, his party will coordinate with the Central Java BPBD to carry out a joint blackout.

"Padamanan juga akan dilakukan melalui air menggunakan metode water bombing. Kita saat ini masih melihat situasi untuk keamanannya," katanya.

A number of preparations for water bombing began this Tuesday. Starting from the survey of the helicopter landing site, the location of water collection in Sarangan Telaga to determine the location of the forest and land fires which are the targets for extinguishing.

"So that when the helicopter operates it can be more effective," he said.

Since the forest and land fires began to hit Mount Lawu, the joint team has also extinguished, one of which is deploying a fire team for land routes. However, he said, officers in the field experienced a number of obstacles, such as steep terrain and strong winds.

"For now, the land route team is focused on making lalar plots or barriers made of rocks to prevent fires from spreading. So that fires do not spread anywhere later," he said.

"We BPBD East Java together with BPBD Kab. Ngawi provide logistical support to joint firefighters for the handling of Gunung Lawu Forest Fire and Forestry," he added.

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