
JAMBI - The Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) of the Jambi Police confiscated 7 kilograms of methamphetamine worth Rp9.1 billion from the arrest of two couriers of the interprovincial methamphetamine network.

Kabag Bin Ops Ditresnarkoba Jambi Police AKBP Nukmansyah explained the evidence of methamphetamine weighing 7,039.331 grams

confiscated from the arrest of two perpetrators

on September 23, 2023.

Jambi Police Narcotics Directorate II Sub-Directorate II officers arrested the two perpetrators at the scene of the first case on Jalan Lintas Timur Simpang KM. 35 Bukit Baling Village, Sekernan District, Muaro Jambi Regency, while the second perpetrator was arrested in South Jambi District, Jambi City.

Nukmansyah said that in the process of delivering evidence of methamphetamine-type narcotics, the perpetrator acted as a courier and was paid Rp. 20 million.

The two perpetrators had the initials (RZ) and (IS) who were Acehnese, Nukmansyah further said, based on the results of the examination, the perpetrators admitted that this was the second time they had done it.

From the results of the development carried out by the Jambi Police Narcotics Directorate, the methamphetamine type came from Aceh and wanted to be circulated in Jambi.

"The results of the temporary development of the perpetrators show that the methamphetamine-type narcotics are about to be circulated in Jambi," he also said.

If 1 gram of crystal methamphetamine can be used by five people, then the life saved is 35,196 people. Meanwhile, if 1 gram of crystal methamphetamine gets an economic value of Rp. 1.3 million, the total evidence is Rp. 9.15 billion.

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