68 DHF Cases Reported In Singkawang, 2 Of Them Died
Mosquito Aides Agepti causes dengue fever (ANTARA)


The Acting Mayor of Singkawang, Sumastro, explained that in the period September 2023 to early October 2023 there were 68 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in the area, and two residents who were infected with the disease died. "I appeal to the entire community to carry out the eradication of mosquito nests (PSN) in their respective neighborhoods with 3M, to anticipate the spread of DHD cases in Singkawang City," said Sumastro, Monday, October 2. The high intensity of rainfall in Singkawang City is recently feared to have the potential to become a medium for the development of Aedes aegypti and the spread of dengue fever (DHF) cases in Singkawang City. "West Kalimantan Provincial Health Service data recorded that as of 27 September 2023 there were 3,047 cases of dengue and caused 34 people to die, while in Singkawang, there were 68 cases of dengue and 2 patients who died," he said. Sumastro said, by draining or cleaning water reservoirs, closing water reservoirs such as drums, water canisters and waterbags. "Cleaning and reusing used used goods around houses that can accommodate rainwater," he said. In addition, Sumastro continued, prevention can be carried out by providing a decoupled powder at water reservoirs. "The community can get free abridged powder at health centers-puskesmas in Singkawang City," he said. Sumastro.

He asked the ranks of the health office, puskesmas, sub-district head, village heads, and RT heads to encourage community participation in efforts to prevent dengue disease through PSN activities on an ongoing basis. "Come on, keep our families from dengue fever by always maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around us," he said.

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