
The climate analysis conducted by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) shows that there is currently a peak for the dry season in several regions in Indonesia.

However, the dry season also provides benefits for oil palm krey craftsmen in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, whose turnover has increased by 100 percent in this dry season, thus producing Rp. 30 million per week at a price of Rp. 50,000 per krey sheet. "So far, krey's demand has increased and craftsmen feel that they have increased," said Awang (45), an oil palm krey craftsman, in Rangkasbitung Timur Village, Lebak Regency, Saturday. So far, krey's demand has been increased and craftsmen feel Being overwhelmed to serve it, especially raw materials are a bit difficult. The krey raw materials are oil palm oil pelepah waste found from plantations owned by PTPN III company Cisalak Rangkasbitung. The craftsmen supply 600 krey in Depok for one week, so they can produce turnover of Rp. 30 million. In fact, previously only 150 krey with turnover of Rp. 15 million per week. "We are greatly helped by the increase in demand for the reservoir," he explained. West (50), krey craftsmen others admitted that since the dry season there has been an increase in demand of up to 200 pieces from the previous 100 sheets per week. The krey production is supplied to Bogor once a week at a price of Rp. 50,000/sheet krey. "Of the 100 sheets, it can generate revenue turnover of Rp. 100 million per week from the previous Rp. 5 million per week," said Sabar. As well as other craftsmen You (55), residents of Cihiyang Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, admitted that the increase in market demand will certainly be able to move the wheels the economy of the local community. Krey production also involves workers, ranging from looking for raw materials for palm oil sellers to knitting krey using mines. Krey craftsmen in their area are recorded as 50 craftsmen, and they have been running for 20 years and the first time they have developed it is from craftsmen in Sumatra. "We believe the increasing market demand will certainly be able to overcome poverty and unemployment," you said again. He said, usually entering the dry season as well as rain brings blessings to krey palm craftsmen, because consumer demand is increasing. The consumers use krey palm for room protection, so as not to be exposed to rain water, it is also hot from the heat of the sun. Currently, krey palm craftsmen in Rangkasbitung grow and develop around oil palm plantations in Rangkasbitung, Cimarga, Cileles and Banjarsari. "We have been wearing krey crafts for 17 years to repair houses, as well as send children," he added.

Toto (55), a krey collector admitted that he had served the demand for retailers in the Serang and Cilegon areas as many as 2,000 pieces or an increase from the previous 1.000 pieces., because it accommodates craftsmen with cash," Toto concluded, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, September 30.

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