
JAKARTA - The KPK public prosecutor asked the panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Crime Court to sentence the inactive Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, according to the demands read out at the trial on Wednesday, September 13.

"We state that we remain with our demands, namely that the panel of judges at the Corruption Crime Court at the Central Jakarta District Court which examined and adjudicated the a quo case, handed down a decision according to our demand letter," said KPK Prosecutor Yoga Pratomo in a follow-up hearing with a replica agenda at the Court. Jakarta Corruption Eradication Reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 25.

The KPK prosecutor stated that the arguments of Lukas Enembe and his legal advisor in the defense note or plea must be rejected or should be set aside.

The prosecutor assessed that the legal advisor's accusations in the plea and Lukas Enembe's statements in his personal plea did not match the facts.

The Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor continues to consider that Lukas Enembe has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption in violation of Article 12 letter a and Article 12 B of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended and added to Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

Thus, the Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor continued his demands and asked the panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court to sentence Lukas Enembe to prison for 10 years and six months, as well as a fine of IDR 1 billion, subsidiary to a substitute prison sentence for six months.

Apart from that, the demand to pay compensation amounting to IDR 47,833,485,350 is also still being submitted to Lukas. With the stipulation that if Lukas does not have sufficient assets to pay replacement money, he will be sentenced to prison for three years.

"Imposing additional punishment to the defendant in the form of revoking the right to be elected to public office for five years after the defendant has finished serving his sentence," continued Yoga.

Previously, Lukas Enembe read out his personal plea at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday (21/9). He asked the panel of judges to acquit him of all charges, asked that his assets confiscated by the Corruption Eradication Commission be immediately returned, and asked that his good name be restored.

In this case, the KPK prosecutor charged Lukas Enembe with two charges. Firstly, Lukas was charged with receiving a bribe of IDR 45,843,485,350 with details of IDR 10,413,929,500 from businessman Piton Enumbi as Director and owner of PT Melonesia Mulia, PT Lingge-Lingge, PT Astrad Jaya and PT Melonesia Cahaya Timur, and a total of IDR 35,429,555 ,850 came from Rijatono Lakka as Director of PT Tabi Anugerah Pharmindo, PT Tabi Bangun Papua as well as CV Walibhu.

Second, Lukas Enembe was charged with receiving gratification in the form of IDR 1 billion from Budy Sultan as Director of PT Indo Papua on April 12, 2013.

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