
Another fire occurred at the Jatibarang Final Disposal Site (TPA), Semarang. The fire scorched the row of cages north of the garbage hoarding area.

Secretary of the Semarang City Fire Department, Ade Bhakti, said the fire was known to have occurred at around 14.00 WIB.

It is estimated that the fire began to grab the cow's cage made of flammable material at around 14.00 WIB, then spread to other cages.

As a result, there were dozens of cow's cages that were scorched to charcoal, and there were several cows that were victims of the fire.

However, Ade confirmed that the fire this time was located far from the location of the fire that also occurred in the Jatibarang TPA area, last Monday (18/9).

"This is a burnt cow's cage, far from yesterday's hotspot," he said.

This means, he said, that the fire this time was not at the location of the fire piles of Jatibarang TPA garbage which had been in the cooling phase since last Tuesday (19/9).

He said the fire could be controlled around 15.00 WIB and is currently in the cooling phase.

"The source is still looking for whether the burned garbage yesterday continued to cross, or indeed from the cage itself there is a hotspot. Currently, friends are still looking for it," he said.

Previously, a fire hit the Jatibarang TPA area, Semarang City, on Monday (18/9) afternoon and only entered the cooling process on Tuesday (19/9) at around 04.00 WIB.

The two zones burned in Jatibarang TPA reached five hectares. Each zone, one which is a former waste TPA that is no longer used and the former fertilizer factory zone under it.

Until now, the former waste fire at the Jatibarang TPA is still in the cooling process which is expected to take a week until it is completely complete.

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