
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has encouraged the Government to re-enact the socialization of the dangers of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) virus. He emphasized the importance of preventive measures to prevent the spread of dengue disease to reduce the risk of death.

"The government should immediately act in the face of the outbreak of dengue fever and take the necessary anticipatory steps to prevent the potential for an outbreak in various regions in Indonesia," said Puan, Wednesday, September 20.

Puan also highlighted the increase in the spread of dengue disease in the West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) area. The high spike in dengue cases in the area is considered to be a concern.

According to data from the West Kalimantan Health Office (Dinkes), dengue cases have reached 2,303 cases as of September 2023. This figure has increased compared to last August 2023 where there were 1,306 cases. By the end of 2023, there have been 27 deaths due to dengue fever in West Kalimantan, with 19 of them being children.

The increase in the number of dengue cases in the West Kalimantan region is allegedly due to prolonged dryness which includes parts of Indonesia. Therefore, Puan asked for concrete steps from the Government to suppress dengue disease throughout Indonesia.

"In the midst of an increase in environmental temperature, there is an increase in the population of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that must be watched out for to reduce the number of dengue cases that have the potential to continue to increase," explained the first woman to serve as chairman of the DPR.

Meanwhile, according to data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the number of dengue cases in 2023 has also increased in a number of regions. As of July 2023, the number of dengue cases in Indonesia was recorded to have reached 35,694 cases.

West Java Province has the most dengue cases with more than 6,000 cases. Then followed by Bali with 3,400 cases, then Central Java, East Java, and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The DPR reminded the Government to respond quickly to efforts to prevent an increase in dengue cases.

"This note must be addressed immediately with massive prevention efforts, among others, by consistently spreading messages to the public to drain, hoard and close (3M)," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture added that efforts to prevent the spread of dengue cases also included increasing monitoring of dengue cases. Puan also emphasized increasing access to medical care for the community, and eliminating mosquito nests around people's homes with various facilities and facilities.

"The movement to clean the environment, including cleaning garbage, water reservoirs that often become mosquito nests, must be carried out intensively," he said.

Puan also encourages education to the public regarding symptoms of dengue fever. Starting from fever, weakness, always sleepy, vomiting, severe stomach pain, bleeding, red spots on the skin, bleeding gums to bloody defecation.

"The public must really understand the symptoms of dengue fever, so that the treatment of dengue fever can be carried out as early as possible to prevent the emergence of death cases due to dengue fever," said Puan.

"So with good education, people quickly check themselves or their family members if they experience these symptoms. Especially for mothers who have small children," continued Bung Karno's grandson.

Furthermore, Puan reminded the Government to intensify socialization to the public that medical personnel are available in all regions in Indonesia and can respond quickly to public complaints regarding the threat of dengue fever. This is also considered to be able to relieve public anxiety.

"DHF is a public health problem that can be overcome with appropriate action and mutual awareness. With good cooperation, we can control and even avoid the spread of dengue fever in the future, maintain the health and welfare of the Indonesian people," said Puan.

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