
PDI-P (PDIP) respects the Democratic Party's decision to support Gerindra Party Chair Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). This decision is considered to show a healthy democratic climate in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) leadership.

"PDIP respects the decision of the Democrats. This shows how the democratic nature was well built during President Jokowi's administration," PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto told reporters at the PDIP DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 19.

Hasto denied that his party did not intensively build communication with the Democratic Party after meeting the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani and the Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). "But in the end, every party has sovereignty in choosing," he said.

In the future, Hasto ensured that political cooperation with parties supporting Ganjar Pranowo would continue to be carried out. In fact, the winning team will again hold a meeting.

Meanwhile with Democrats, communication will not just end. Hasto said, PDIP and Democrats and other parties with different choices of presidential candidates will continue to discuss public and political policies.

"At the level of discussing this economic political policy, it requires cooperation with political parties in the factions in the DPR RI. That's why even though each party has references related to the presidential candidate, we continue to communicate politically," he explained.

The Democratic Party finally joined the Forward Indonesia Coalition to support Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election. This decision was taken after the party bearing the Mercy Star symbol revoked cooperation with the party supporting Anies Baswedan who collaborated with Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres).

This support is the result of the decision of the Party High Council (MTP) which was conveyed by General Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Prabowo has also met with AHY and MTP Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) along with the Democratic Party elite at his residence, Hambalang, West Java on Sunday, September 17.

The presence of Democrats in Hambalang was also welcomed by political parties who are members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). They are the Gerindra Party, Golkar Party, PAN, PBB, PSI, and Gelora

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