
Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Population and Civil Registration Office, Budi Awaluddin, confirmed that millions of Jakarta residents would reprint their ID cards during the transfer of the capital city to the archipelago, East Kalimantan. Rencana reprinting KTP warga ini dilakukan menyusul perubahan status Jakarta dari Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota (DKI) yang juga tercatat dalam KTP menjadi Daerah Khusus Jakarta (DKJ). "Regarding the reprinting of electronic ID cards, it is appropriate when DKI Jakarta turns into DKJ, of course there must also be editorial changes in the ID cards for DKJ residents," Budi said in a short message, Monday, September 18. The process of reprinting the e-KTP for Jakarta residents began in 2024, when the capital city officially moved. However, budi admitted that printing was carried out in stages out of a total of 8 million citizens who were required to have an ID card in Jakarta. "This will definitely be done gradually, this is because the change process runs in an orderly manner and adjusts to the stock of blanks available every day," said Budi. Continuing, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI Jakarta, Joko Agus Setyono, said that the DKI Provincial Government is now starting to prepare a budget for changes in administrative records due to the transfer of the capital city in the preparation of the APBD for the 2024 fiscal year. In addition, the DKI Provincial Government is also waiting for the ratification of the revision of Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta as the capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This regulatory change, he continued, will become the basis for the stipulation of DKJ status. Now, the revision of the DKI Provincial Government Law is being discussed in the DPR. "Later we will socialize when the law is completed, because the draft law is in the process of being resolved," said Joko. Previously in the Jakarta Special Region Bill (RUU) meeting at the Merdeka Palace, Tuesday, September 12, the name DKI Jakarta would be changed to DKJ after the capital city officially moved to IKN. The name change as stated in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (IKN), which when referring to the Law, Jakarta's status will change from what was previously DKI to DKI. Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani explained that the DKJ Bill is the embodiment of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital. The regulation also replaces the position of Law Number 29 of 2007. "The transfer of the State Capital based on the IKN Law will change the status of Jakarta, which was originally the Special Capital Region, was directed to become a Special Region for Jakarta or DKJ," he said.
It was stated that the direction of development in Jakarta in the future would become the center of national economic activity. In addition, the Minister of Finance revealed that the government wants to encourage Jakarta as one of the strategic areas of international standard. “RUU DKJ carries the concept of the Special Region of Jakarta to become the global city and largest economic center in Indonesia, ” he asserted.

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