Perkin Jaya 2023, Dog Contest From Various Popular Trahs In The World
One of the participating dogs in the beauty contest/


BOGOR - The Indonesian Kinology Association (Perkin) Jaya again held a dog contest under the title Perkin Jaya All Breed Dog Show 2023. This event took place at the Jeep Station Indonesia (JSI) Resort, Bogor, 16-17 September 2023.

The dogs who took part in this contest were from various breeds that were popular in Indonesia and abroad. The size varies, large, medium, to small.

The dogs belonged to competition participants who came from various cities such as Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Surabaya, and others.

"This event is routinely held every year. Only the trah-trah participants are recognized by FCI (Konology International Federation) through their representatives in Indonesia, namely Perkin," said Perkin Jaya Chairman Danar Faisal Herlambang, Sunday, September 17.

Beauty Contest To Resilience

One of the contests contested is beauty. Like a beauty contest in humans, the jury also assessed the attitude and intelligence of dogs.

"Contests for beauty, there are dogs like Siberian Husky, Corgi, Border Collie, Bichon Frise, Jack-Russell Terrier, and many more," said Danar Faisal or who is familiarly called Oboy.

'Dog hair cut is also very important in addition to making dogs more beautiful and can also make dog hair healthier and stronger, because of the dead hair lifting, so we also have a groundbreaking competition and the assessment is like neatness, accuracy, and creativity" he explained.

"In addition, there is an assessment, for example, when the dog enters the arena, he is happy or not. When he is held by the jury, his face is happy or not. This contest is subjectivity too, yes. For example, he can make the jury happy to see him, make him fall in love, he can win too." he concluded.

Apart from beauty, it is a contest for physical resilience and dexterity. The dogs who follow this category are workers with breeds such as Doberman, Rottweiler, Cane totaling, and Boxer.

"Worker dogs have a contest that sees more of their physical resilience and dexterity. So, when they run, they are not only told to run, but look at their passion running, and their physical resilience when they run and so on," added Danar Faisal.

Not only his pet dog, this time the contest also competed with its owners, namely as a roomer. The role of roomers seems no less important in making the dog look more beautiful.

"The dog's hair cut is also important so that she can look more beautiful, funnyer, more comfortable to look at. So, we also have a groundbreaking competition, and the assessment is like the creativity of spacers, their accuracy, neatness, and so on," he said.

Furthermore, Danar Faisal said that there were no specific types of special dogs that came abroad.

"Almost imported from all continents, because it is not uncommon for competitors from abroad to compete with dogs in Indonesia who have special qualities in accordance with international standards," said the 37-year-old man.

Perkin was first founded by fans of trah dogs in the city of Sukabumo, West Java on March 17, 1922

"In the past, his name NEDERLANSCH INDISCHE KINOLOGI VEREENING was abbreviated as NIKV, which at that time was based in Sukabumi and was ratified as a Legal Agency by the Dutch East Indies Government, in accordance with his decision list on June 22, 1922 with Number 79," said Danar Faisal.

"It is often formed with the aim of gathering dog lovers to have the means to develop useful knowledge for the world of Indonesian technology."

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