
After the fire incident, the Indonesian National Museum (MNI) will temporarily close museum activities. The closure is carried out until an undetermined time limit.

Acting (Plt) Head of the Public Service Agency for Museums and Cultural Conservation (BLU MCB), Ahmad Mahendra, said, as an additional precautionary measure, MNI would temporarily close until further notice.

Meanwhile, further information regarding tickets that have been purchased by the public, continued Mahendra, will be returned because there is a state of kahar (fire incident).

"Due to this state of concern, the tickets that have been purchased will be returned. Further information regarding the refund process will be submitted as soon as we have clearer guidance," he said in an official statement received by VOI, Sunday, September 17.

Mahendra asked for understanding from the public for the steps taken by his party.

"The goal is to ensure the safety and security of visitors," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the instructions of the Minister of Education and Culture, the MCB BLU has formed a special team that is responsible for caring for dams to secure historical and cultural objects affected by the fire on Saturday, September 16.

"Investigations continue to be carried out to determine the exact cause of this fire. We are committed to continuing to share findings of investigations with the public in line with its development," he said.

As of this morning, Sunday, September 17, piles of burnt building materials in Block A Building, exhibition rooms for the collection of National Museums or Elephant Museums, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, were still emitting smoke on Sunday, September 17. The puff of smoke from the fire still occurred at 10.30 WIB.

"It is still in the cooling process at the TKP. Because there is still smoke coming out of piles of coal material left over from the fire," said one of the firefighters in front of the National Museum, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

From VOI's observation at the location of the fire, it can be seen that there are still 2 fire engines. The car is parked behind the National Museum building. Officers are still doing watering in the area of the object that caught fire.

"Still pouring water to carry out the cooling process of the fire, because smoke still appears," he added.

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