
Surabaya - Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff, Jaleswari Pramodhawardani said that there is still a high potential for money political practices in holding the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. This was conveyed in the closing of the Simultaneous Election Readiness Coordination Meeting in Surabaya, East Java, Friday, September 15. Both in the legislative and executive elections, have complex factors, both structurally and culturally.

"The high cost due to the political dowry at the beginning of the public's candidacy and permissive culture of money politics is a small part of the difficulty of breaking the chain of money politics," said Jaleswari.

This member of the Corruption Prevention National Strategy Steering Team considers the need for three approaches to comprehensively prevent money politics. The first is at the policy level by increasing accountability for the use of the political party budget and increasing the state's contribution to assist the operations of political parties, especially in carrying out the function of education and political recruitment.

One of them is by making changes to the regulations both by Revision of PP 1/2018 for the short term, and/or Revision of the Political Party Law for the medium term.

"Changes in related regulations continue to be encouraged by Stranas PK together with the KPK to increase accountability for political party financing," said Jaleswari.

Furthermore, in terms of law enforcement, Jaleswari said that administrative sanctions and legal sanctions were needed for money political actors to provide a deterrent effect. The confirmed supervisory function is the responsibility of Bawaslu and the Law Enforcement Agency," he explained.

The third approach is by massive socialization and advocacy about preventing money politics at the grassroots level. In terms of regulations, Jaleswari said Bawaslu has good regulations, but in practice, various big challenges often arise.

"It takes the involvement of the community to follow up on the practice of money politics, so that public participation in democracy is achieved which is flexible according to our ideals," said Jaleswari.

Head of the Task Force for the Directorate of Community Participation (Ditpermas) of the KPK, Dian Rahmawati, said that regarding the prevention of money politics, the KPK already has a 'Learning Fajar Attack' campaign program to make people have more comprehensive awareness and literacy about the bad effects of money politics.

"People must dare to refuse their money, not choose their candidates, and report the perpetrators," he said.

Apart from the government, this anti-money campaign or anti-political movement can be carried out by strengthening public participation, including CSO which can be accessed by the public through various channels such as tracking records.net, you clean me up to choose.id, and be wise to choose.id.

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