
JAKARTA - The United Nations human rights expert on Myanmar called on the United States to tighten sanctions against the country's military rulers, targeting its main source of income, the state's oil and gas companies.

UN Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews, who is also a former member of the US Congress, said it was important for Washington to at least maintain a level of humanitarian support for victims of the junta inside and outside Myanmar.

Andrews told a US Congressional Human Rights Commission hearing that he was shocked by reports some donors, including the US, may be reducing support for Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar, saying the Joint Response Plan that includes food rations for Rohingya children in Bangladesh is only 32 percent funded this year.

Andrews praised Washington for imposing sanctions on the Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank and the Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank in June, but said more needed to be done.

"We need to implement more sanctions. I urge the US to join the European Union and immediately impose sanctions on the junta's single biggest source of income, the Myanmar Oil and Gas Company," said Andrews, reported by Reuters, September 14.

"If you can stop funding, you can reduce their ability to continue these atrocities," he said, referring to civilian deaths at the hands of the military.

Furthermore, Andrews also urged Washington to work with other countries to block the junta's access to weapons.

Andrews said in his report in May that Myanmar's military had imported weapons and other materials worth at least 1 billion US dollars since the coup

Last month, Washington expanded its sanctions against Myanmar to include foreign companies or individuals who help the junta obtain jet fuel used to launch airstrikes, while estimating the military has killed more than 3,900 civilians since taking power in a 2021 coup.

In January, the United States targeted the managing director and deputy managing director of Myanmar Oil and Gas Company with sanctions, but has not taken further action against the company, despite calls from human rights groups and dissidents.

Meanwhile, Myanmar military officials downplayed the impact of sanctions, saying their airstrikes targeted rebels.

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