YOGYAKARTA There is a plan to implement the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) single sale or single salary scheme. With this plan, it means that the salary given to ASN will be combined into one of the principals and allowances that have been separated. Then what is the reason for the government to apply the ASN single salary scheme?
The reason for implementing the single salary scheme against ASN was revealed by the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa. The reasons put forward are as follows.
1. Keep Purchasing Power
The implementation of this new salary scheme for ASN aims to maintain ASN purchasing power after entering retirement because of the current scheme, ASN only gets a basic salary.
The single salary scheme is claimed to be able to guarantee retired ASN because there will be health insurance, death, and old age.
"In the future, an ASN should not lose its purchasing power, the doctor cannot, the illness cannot be paid with a BPJS card, and so on," he said after the launch of the Green Economy & Green Environment Campaign in Jakarta, Tuesday, September 12.
2. Potentially Get Salaries From Various Sources
The government considers that there is inequality between ASN in terms of source of income. ASN high positions get large salaries, they even have other positions outside the ministry or institution where they work. Meanwhile, ASN have low positions on the other hand.
The single salary scheme is expected to be able to increase ASN income obtained from various sources depending on the grading system.
In the website of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), the pattern of payroll for single salaries means that ASN will only earn one income consisting of various salary components such as elements of salary for positions and allowances (performance and expensiveness). Meanwhile, the grading system will be determined to determine the amount of salary in several types of positions.
It should be noted that civil servants grading is a level or rating of the value/price of office that shows a position, workload, responsibility, and job risk. Each grading will be divided into several stages and each measured with a different rupiah value. Thus, it is possible that there will be civil servants with the same position but the salary obtained is different depending on the assessment and the price of office which is reviewed from the workload, responsibility, and job risk.
The schedule for implementing the ASN singles salary scheme is planned to take effect next year. This is as stated by VAT Minister Suharso Monoarfa during a working meeting with Commission XI of the DPR RI, Monday, September 11.
"In 2024, priority activities based on function are the concept of pension system reform policies and single salaries for ASN," he said.
The discourse on the concept of a single salary for ASN has actually existed since 2014. At that time, the KPK leadership in office encouraged the government to impose the scheme for civil servants because the system eased the burden on the state budget.
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The discourse re-rolled in 2019 which was said by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. He assessed that the one system single sale study was carried out for the sake of bureaucratic reform and preventing corruption.
That is information related to the reason the government applies the ASN singles salary scheme. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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