
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bogor City Police, Kompol Rizka Fadhila, revealed the modus operandi of a teacher with the initials BBS (30), who sexually abused several elementary school students in Bogor City.

"The method is there when he teaches, and there is also during the occult hour. But not only four eyes, there are still other students. Activities while teaching and learning," said Commissioner Rizka Fadhila Tuesday, September 12, 2023.

"So there was an opportunity when he did that in front of the other students, but the other students didn't see it, only the victims felt it," he continued.

Rizka explained that immoral acts against minors have been known since the report from one of the parents of the victim's child on Monday.

The victim claimed to have received indecent acts from unscrupulous teachers, BBS while in school. It turns out that the victim is not one person. There are still many other victims who often get similar treatment from BBS.

The perpetrator's mode was by squeezing his chest and holding the victim's genitals. Meanwhile, there are also victims who claim to be held by the buttocks. However, the police emphasized that no intercourse had occurred.

For his actions, continued by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bogor City Police, this sexual predatory teacher is threatened with being charged with multiple layers of articles, namely Article 76 E Jo Article 28 of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

"The maximum penalty is 15 years and a fine of Rp. 5 billion. And because the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator is the homeroom teacher and the student, the perpetrator is given a weighting article of a third of the criminal threat," said Commissioner Rizka Fadhila.

Meanwhile, the principal at the school, Ida Widiawati, confirmed the incident. Where, this incident began when the school received a report from parents of students on Friday, September 8, 2023, who said that their child had experienced sexual harassment.

Hearing the report, Ida immediately held a meeting and reported this to the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik).

"That same day I called Disdik what we had to do. Because this is not a trivial matter, it is difficult. Finally, the agency made a circular to calm parents. We don't want parents to be nervous and afraid," said Ida Widiawati.

Ida said that sexual harassment took place last year. The perpetrator is a first aid teacher who has taught for about 4 years at the school.

"He is actually a favorite teacher, children like to be taught to him, protect him like that and be versatile. So we didn't expect it. Even when asked he didn't think he was like that," said Ida.

He added that currently the case of alleged sexual harassment has been submitted by the school to the Bogor City Women and Children Protection (UPTD PPA). Ida stated that all victims underwent school as usual.

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