
The Dialectics Institute released the results of a survey by mentioning the electability of Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh or Yenny Wahid as the highest female Vice Presidential Candidate (Cawapres) on the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) basis ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

"A total of 27.6 percent of survey respondents chose Yenny Wahid's name as a candidate for Vice Presidential Candidate," said Director of Research Dialectika Institute Mheky Polanda when releasing the results of a survey in Surabaya as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 11.

Meanwhile, 25.4 percent chose the name of the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa. Another woman has the name of the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani.

In the survey presentation, Mheky Polanda (Director of Dialectic Research Institute), Lia Istifhama (women's politician) and Eko Pamuji (Unesa Surabaya lecturer) with moderator Najih Farhoq were present.

According to him, the Dialectics Institute survey was conducted to explore the latest issues that emerged in the public sphere, namely the emergence of potential candidates for vice president candidates for the 2024 presidential election from among women.

Mheky said that in the political developments ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the contestation seemed to have begun to narrow the names of three presidential candidates, namely Prabowo Subianto, Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan.

Of the three names, only Anies Baswedan seemed to have decided to run with the vice presidential candidate pair, namely Muhaimin Iskandar.

In this survey, a measurement of the electability of the Vice President is also carried out through a simulation of a couple's name with a closed question "If the 2024 presidential election is carried out today you will choose who is the vice presidential candidate?,

The simulation of the Prabowo-Yenny Wahid pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates received support of 40.7 percent of respondents. Meanwhile, the simulation of the Ganjar Pranowo-Yenny Wahid pair received 32 percent support from respondents.

Responding to the findings, Eko Pamuji said that the findings of the Dialelectrics Institute survey were not surprising.

According to him, if the survey was conducted at the NU base, of course the names that appeared the most were Yenny Wahid, who is the Daughter of the 4th President of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur and also Khofifah.

However, according to Eko, this survey is because the theme is the Women's Vice Presidential Candidate, so what if the simulation presents the candidate for the Vice President from men. And with a fixed time of 1 month the dynamics could change even pairs and coalitions could change.

Meanwhile, Lia Istifhama said that Prabowo-Yenny Wahid's superiority as an ideal partner is actually like a father and mother. Prabowo is a father figure and Yenny Wahid is present as a mother figure. This is the ideal vice presidential candidate pair in 2024.

Then related to the emergence of two prominent figures, Yenny Wahid and Khofifah, Lia said, the two figures always exist as NU residents. NU figures everywhere must always be able to stay. Yenny Wahid and Khofifah have many high electability chosen by NU residents because both of them can accompany NU residents.

The Dialectics Institute survey was conducted on 1-10 September 2023. The survey was conducted using a telephone interview method involving 1,000 respondents, spread proportionally in Central Java and East Java Provinces.

The determination of samples is carried out using the method of Selecting respondents carried out randomly, the computerization program is by entering a database of telephone numbers that used to be respondents to surveys for the 2013-2023 period with a margin of error of 3.1 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. The population of respondents is based on the population of Central Java and East Java 57,885,670.

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