
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo received a memento from the Semarang Archdiocese, September 1. The memories were a replica of the Archbishop's stick's head, Father Mgr. Robertus Rubiyatmoko.

Replica The stick's head has a complicated bird relief that is injuring itself to feed and drink to its children. The replica was handed over by Vikjen Romo YR. Edy Purwanto.

"The goal (of giving) anyone who leads, or becomes a leader, must be ready to provide for the safety of those he leads," said Father Edy.

Father Edy said these memories were given specifically by Father Rubi, the Archbishop's nickname, to Ganjar Pranowo in the hope that the two-term Central Java Governor could maintain his leadership who was willing to sacrifice for his people.

On that occasion, Father Edy expressed his appreciation to Ganjar for his leadership for 10 years in Central Java. The Catholics, said Father Edy, felt very concerned.

"This is a concrete form of state presence, the government's presence for the church. Mainly through the Governor, who to this day still gives his heart to all, especially for the church," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by the romo and nurses who were present. The same was conveyed by Sister Rusali, who is the owner of the Marsudirini Foundation. Ganjar is considered a leader who is very nurturing.

"I just met you in person for the first time. From the calm of conversation, cool makes us feel protected and comfortable. A leader who makes it comfortable, makes the shade finally everything can be resolved," he said.

Similar was conveyed by Father FX Sugiyana, who is a Vikep Semarang. According to him, Ganjar inspired a lot of his attitude that was open and close to the people. So that the romos are also moved to do the same in service.

"And under the leadership of the Governor, we have met other religious leaders more often and that is in government activities. So we can exchange numbers and communicate with each other," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, who will retire on September 5, 2023, appreciates the cooperation and support provided by the romo, nurses and sisters at the Semarang Archdiocese.

"As long as I was governor, a lot of assistance was given to us, so that inter-religious harmony is good so that the people are peaceful," he said.

The governor of Central Java for the two periods also thanked the memories given. Symbolic things like this, being one of the things that inspired him from the Catholic ummah.

The story is extraordinary, a complicated bird that injures itself with one hope that its children will be able to eat from its mother's blood. So the philosophy turns out, yes, so leaders must be ready to serve, suffer even a very painful service. of course in its meaning, "said Ganjar Pranowo.

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