
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, criticized the absence of victims of sexual abuse and violence by BPJS. In fact, the importance of the government's role in improving health services is especially for victims of the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS).

"Victims of sexual violence are the responsibility of the State, including their protection and health services so as not to add to the burden on the victims," said Puan, Friday, September 1.

As is known, BPJS Kesehatan's decision not to guarantee health services for victims of sexual harassment and violence has caused polemics in the community. It is not guaranteed that health services for victims of these crimes have been stated in Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 Article 52 paragraph 1. Guarantee for victims of sexual violence crimes has been delegated into the responsibility of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

Puan encourages collaboration between the two institutions so that there are no victims of sexual violence who do not receive health services.

"The DPR encourages active collaboration between LPSK and BPJS to ensure that the transition of responsibility does not sacrifice the quality of health services for victims. This needs to be done so that victims continue to receive quality medical treatment without additional burdens," explained the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.

Through Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning TPKS which is an initiative of the DPR, Puan emphasized that the council will continue to oversee every service for victims of sexual violence in order to receive safe and fair treatment and receive protection.

"Through a concrete evaluation and action, we are committed to maintaining the integrity of the TPKS Law and providing proper protection for victims of criminal acts of sexual abuse and violence, especially women and children who are often victims of cases of domestic violence," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture emphasized the importance of cooperation between all stakeholders as one of the keys to solving sensitive issues such as sexual violence. For this reason, Puan invites all parties involved in this issue to pay attention to improving health services for victims of sexual violence.

"A safe and fair society must be realized by ensuring that every citizen, especially those who have experienced sexual violence, needs to feel the infinite justice and support from the State. Especially through government policies," he explained.

In addition to supporting victims of sexual violence, LPSK is known to also bear the victims of three other criminal acts, namely incidents of criminal acts of persecution, victims of terrorism and criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO). Puan also supports strengthening for the institution to maximize assistance to victims.

"If LPSK's responsibilities are expanding, we will ensure that LPSK has sufficient resources to provide the necessary assistance to victims. This includes medical, psychological, and legal support," said Puan.

On the other hand, the DPR considers that the protection of victims of sexual abuse and violence requires a humanist approach. Puan megimbau so that LPSK has Human Resources (HR) that can treat psychological trauma for victims.

"The DPR will ensure that the approach to protecting victims of violence and persecution is holistic, including psychological support, rehabilitation, and social recovery must be prepared by LPSK," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Puan ensured that the DPR continues to be committed to being a leading institution that campaigns for education and awareness related to criminal acts of violence and persecution. He understands that eradicating crimes of sexual violence requires mutual cooperation of all elements of the nation, including support from the community itself.

"This education will help reduce stigma, encourage reporting, and provide public support for victims of sexual violence and persecution," concluded Puan.

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