
YOGYAKARTA - The public's low interest in electric motor subsidies has made the government revise the incentive provisions. Susiwijono Moegiarso, Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, revealed the government's reason for revising the electric motor subsidy.

Susiwijono Moegiarso admitted that the four terms for receiving subsidies to buy electric motorbikes that had been applied were still not optimal in bringing in purchases. Initially, subsidies were applied for: beneficiaries of people's business credit, productive assistance for micro businesses, wage subsidy assistance and recipients of electricity subsidies of up to 900 volt ampere according to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 6 of 2023.

To increase people's purchasing power for electric motorcycles, the government has also revised the provisions for providing subsidies. So what are the new provisions or rules in the subsidy of electric motorcycles.

The government has taken steps to revise the rules for subsidies for electric motorcycles to increase the purchasing power of electric motorcycles. New provisions or regulations are also issued so that subsidies can be utilized by the entire community.

"Actually, in my opinion, the whole community, the best practice in several countries, yes, all people have the right to get all incentives," said Susiwijono at the Investor Trust Future Forum, on Tuesday (29/8).

Susiwijono also said that his team was evaluating the amount of subsidies given at this time, which reached Rp. 7 million. According to him, the adjustment of the number of incentives has been able to boost interest in purchasing electric motorcycles.

"In terms of size, we are also reviting. And I think we and our friends at the Ministry will all try to redesign the incentives to make them more attractive," he explained.

Subsidy practices for electric vehicles are commonplace in many countries. For example, Thailand has implemented a subsidy program for the purchase of electric vehicles until 2025. Electric motorbikes sold at a maximum price of 150 thousand baht get incentives of 18 thousand baht or around Rp. 8 million per unit.

Taiwan applies a different approach by involving the private sector in the development of electric vehicle infrastructure. For example, the electric scooter manufacturer, Gogoro, has set up a number of battery replacement stations for electric scooters made by the company.

Luke, one of the founders of Gogoro, explained that the company wants to show leadership in the field of energy and smart transportation. The success of the Gogoro electric scooter depends heavily on the company's ability to build an easily accessible charging network.

The new provisions or requirements for recipients of electric motor subsidies have been regulated in the Minister of Industry Regulation Number 21 of 2023 concerning Amendments to Permenperin Number 6 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Providing Government Assistance to Purchase Two-wheeled Battery Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles.

The government issued the new regulation to facilitate the requirements for beneficiaries. The first requirement is that the recipient is an Indonesian citizen (WNI) who is at least 17 years old.

The second condition is that you must have an electronic Identity Card (KTP). The third condition is that one ID card is only valid for the purchase of one electric motorbike. A number of these requirements are simpler than the provisions for the subsidy recipients that were previously enforced.

Demikian alasan pemerintah revisi subsidi motor listrik dengan mengubah persyaratan penerima insif menjadi lebih mudah. Melalui program tersebut, masyarakat akan mendapat potongan harga sejumlah Rp7 juta untuk membeli satu unit motor listrik.

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